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Idaho Fish and Game

Big Game Hunt Changes Proposed

Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners face a long list of proposed big game hunting season changes when they meet in Boise March 25-26. Changes are proposed for all seven regions in the state. Hunters will have had the opportunity to see and comment on the proposals in open house sessions in each of the regions before the Commission meeting. Comments can still be submitted in writing to Big Game Seasons, IDFG, P.O. Box 25, Boise, ID 83707. General changes include shifting season dates to allow as many Saturday openers as possible and eliminate the opening of seasons on Sunday. Some of the other changes include the following: DEER - Shift opening dates to Oct 9 from Oct 10 in northern Idaho to take advantage of a Saturday opener. - Convert up to four general hunt units in southern Idaho to special buck management opportunities by implementing controlled hunts. - Offer alternatives to the general season in eastern Idaho that maintain or extend season length and allow for hunting later in October. - Reduce antlerless harvest of whitetails in the Clearwater Region in response to losses suffered last summer to disease carried by gnats. - Reduce late season harvest mortality in some units by eliminating muzzleloader hunts or converting existing muzzleloader hunts to traditional muzzleloader. ELK - Shift opening dates to October 9 from October 10 in B' tag hunts to take advantage of a Saturday opener. - Increase antlerless harvest opportunity in agricultural areas within the Clearwater Region. - Adjust antlered (+23 permits), antlerless (-900 permits), either-sex (-1 permit), and youth (+30) permits in response to population changes or conversion from controlled to general hunting opportunity. PRONGHORN - Add units 44, 48 and 52 to general archery season. - Convert existing hunts in units 30A and 47 to traditional muzzleloader. BLACK BEAR - Expand harvest opportunity in the Panhandle and Clearwater regions. MOUNTAIN LION - Expand harvest opportunity in the Clearwater Region. MOTORIZED VEHICLE RULE - Expand the motorized vehicle rule to all big game hunting in units 22, 29, 30, 30A, 36A, 37A, 39, 40, 45, 52, 53, 56, 66, 75, 77 and 78.