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Idaho Fish and Game

Grizzly Bear

Bear attacks hunters in Upper Pack River area north of Sandpoint

Anonymous (not verified)

Archery hunters walk away with minor injuries after surprising sow with cubs

On the morning of Sept. 9, two archery hunters were attacked after what they described as a surprise encounter with a sow grizzly bear with cubs in the Apache Ridge area of the Upper Pack River drainage. One of the men was injured and has been released from the hospital with stitches.

The hunters reported deploying their bear spray during the attack. Both men were able to walk out of the backcountry. Fish and Game Conservation Officers are in the process of investigating the incident.

People recreating in the Upper Pack River drainage, including the Harrison Lake and Roman Nose areas, are advised to use caution. Black bears and grizzly bears both inhabit the Selkirk Mountains and forest users should always be prepared for bear encounters.

Fish and Game officials recommend carrying bear spray in grizzly country, which includes all of Game Management Unit 1 in the Panhandle.

For more information on living and recreating in bear country, visit