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Idaho Fish and Game

Avoid The Rush - Take A Hunter Education Course Now!

LEWISTON -- With the vast majority of hunter education courses being taught between January and April, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is encouraging future hunters to sign up now for the mandatory class. According to Richard Oliver, hunter education coordinator for IDFG, all courses are taught by trained, volunteer instructors who often teach only spring classes. "Most instructors take the summer and fall off to enjoy the outdoors, so the longer the student waits, the less likely there will be a course offered," Oliver said. Idaho law requires that anyone born after January 1st, 1975 must complete an IDFG hunter education course as a prerequisite to purchasing a hunting license. The courses are held at numerous locations across the region throughout the year. Each course is a mix of classroom instruction and hands-on experiences, lasting 12 hours. Students must be at least 11 years old to enroll. In Lewiston, interested students can call the Clearwater Region office at 799-5010. In outlying communities, courses are organized by local instructors and are based on student demands. The names and phone numbers of local instructors can be obtained by calling the Clearwater Region office at 799-5010.