Ask Fish and Game: Big Game Seasons
Q. General deer season in units 40 and 41 runs October 10 thru October 24. Why would it close on a Saturday instead of Sunday, October 25? The cow-elk season ends on a Tuesday. I understand the mid-week openings to stagger the opening day pressure a little, but I don't understand closing on a Saturday or mid week.
A. About 20 years ago, Fish and Game adopted calendar date openings for big game seasons. Rather than open on particular day of the week, seasons open on a specific day, such as October 10, no matter what day of the week that happens to be. It was based on fairness and the volume of complaints from people - each with their own reason the chosen day was unsatisfactory. Season lengths are typically set incrementally as established in big game management plans. For deer, Fish and Game set an October 10 - 31 season. If the population can't sustain that season length, it is shortened by seven days. That is why some seasons run October 10 - 24. Some years it ends on a Sunday, some years, a Tuesday, and some years a Saturday like this year. The consistency in season dates has worked well over the years. Some years hunters end up with a bonus weekend, in others they may feel short-changed.