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Idaho Fish and Game

Ask the Conservation Officer (CO)

by Gary Hompland, Regional Conservation Officer Question: "I was interested in putting together a small fishing tournament for carp. Are there any special permits I need or rules to follow?" Answer: Any fishing tournament or contest requires that you first obtain a tournament permit from the Department if: - There is an entry fee greater than $25 - Prize money greater than $1000 is awarded for the largest individual fish or for the most fish caught - There are more than 10 boats - There are more than 20 contestants. An application for a fishing tournament can be obtained at any fish and game regional office. The $23.50 fee and application must be submitted by mail to the Department's Boise Headquarters office, PO Box 25, Boise, ID 83707 at least 90 days prior to a proposed catch-and-kill tournament. For a catch-and-release tournament, the application must be submitted at least 30 days before the proposed event is scheduled. Fishing tournament rules will be specified by the organizer. Additional rules may be added by the Department. Some sensitive fish species such as sturgeon, cutthroat or bull trout may not be included in fishing tournaments. Contests may also be prohibited if they conflict with fishery management goals or wildlife fish populations; conflict with other fishing contests, or negatively impact other recreational users for access facilities such as boat ramps. Fishing tournaments are turning into very popular organized fishing activities. Prize money for some tournaments reaches thousands of dollars. The Department is not concerned about your carp tournament, however. To ensure game fish populations are protected, and angling by the general public is not impacted, tournament permits are required, even for your carp tournament. If you have any further questions you may call the Magic Valley Regional Office of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game at (208)324-4350 or e-mail us at the Fish and Game web site at