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Idaho Fish and Game

Area Waters Full of Hungry Rainbow Trout

LEWISTON - The fish are biting so now is a great time to grab your fishing rod and head to your favorite fishing hole. "There's plenty of great fishing close to home," says Robert Hand, fisheries biologist with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). "Most of the area waters have been stocked, so now's the time to get out there." Over 42,700 catchable-sized rainbow trout were released at the following locations since the end of May. LOCATION NUMBER OF TROUT Mann Lake 7,350 Soldier's Meadow Reservoir 9,000 Spring Valley Reservoir 12,400 Winchester Lake 9,600 American River 540 Big Elk Creek 540 Red River 540 Wilkin's Pond 250 Crooked Creek 540 Lawyer's Creek 468 Potlatch River 1,000 Palouse River 500 Angler surveys conducted this past week indicate that fishing has been very good at most locations. IDFG encourages anglers to take their fishing license with them and always review the regulations before casting a line. If anglers have specific questions, they can contact the Clearwater Region Office at (208) 799-5010 or visit the department's website at