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Idaho Fish and Game

April 30 Deadline for Trophy Species

Hunters planning to apply for controlled hunt drawings for moose, bighorn sheep or mountain goats have about one more week. The last day to apply is April 30. There are 1003 antlered moose permits and 147 antlerless permits available. Sheep hunters will have a chance at 64 permits for Rocky Mountain bighorns and 13 permits for California bighorns. There are 47 permits for mountain goats. Tag and permit fees must be paid up front when applying for trophy species hunts, making the cost $164.50 for residents and $1,514.50 for nonresidents. Hunters may apply at Fish and Game offices or license vendors and can apply using a credit card by telephone or over the Internet. Telephone applications may be made at 1-800-554-8685; Internet users can apply through Fish and Game's website. There is a processing fee charged by the contractor for credit card sales which is three percent of the total plus $3.50. Hunters who apply for moose, goat and sheep may not apply for any other controlled hunt in the same year except for unlimited controlled hunts, extra tag controlled hunts, controlled bear hunts or depredations hunts. Those who draw a moose, goat or sheep permit and do not have a kill may not apply to hunt the same species for two years. No one may apply for a moose who has killed one in Idaho or for a goat who has killed one since 1977. Anyone who has killed a California bighorn or a Rocky Mountain bighorn may not apply again for the same type of sheep but may apply for the other subspecies. The application period for deer, elk, antelope, fall turkey and fall black bear controlled hunts begins May 1.