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Idaho Fish and Game

Apply for Moose, Goat, Sheep Hunts

Moose, mountain goat and bighorn sheep hunters can begin submitting applications beginning April 1. Applications for these controlled hunts will be accepted through April 30. Hunters may apply at Fish and Game offices or license vendors and can apply using a credit card by telephone or over the Internet. Telephone applications may be made at 1-800-554-8685; Internet users can apply through Fish and Game's website at For moose goat and sheep hunt applications only, the entire permit fee must be paid with the application. All but the $6.50 application fee will be refunded to those who do not draw. The resident application, including permit fee, costs $164.50; nonresidents pay $1,514.50. Fees are the same as they were last year. Mailed applications must be postmarked no later than April 30. Hunters who apply for moose, goat and sheep may not apply for any other controlled hunt in the same year except for unlimited controlled hunts, leftover controlled hunts, including moose, controlled bear hunts or depredations hunts. Those who draw a moose, goat or sheep permit and do not have a kill may not apply to hunt the same species for two years, except with a leftover controlled hunt tag. No one may apply for a moose who has killed one in Idaho or for a mountain goat who has killed one since 1977, except with a leftover controlled hunt tag. Anyone who has killed a California bighorn or a Rocky Mountain bighorn may not apply again for the same type of sheep but may apply for the other subspecies.