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Idaho Fish and Game

Access to Henrys Fork Preserved

Anglers who love to fish the Henrys Fork of the Snake River will soon have an easier time getting to this revered fishing paradise. A $5,000 grant will help fund development of two public access points along the river; one at Stone Bridge, near the mouth of Warm River, and another at Vernon Bridge, west of Ashton. The money is part of the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation's 2005 grant awards totaling nearly $25,000 for projects throughout the state. The Henrys Fork, located in eastern Idaho, offers world-class fishing to Idahoans and an increasing number of visitors from around the world. This expanding popularity combined with continued development makes public access a priority for the Henrys Fork Foundation. Historically, landowners made informal agreements allowing public passage through their property to the river. That is no longer the case. "As the land changes hands and recreational pressure increases, the old access agreements are in grave jeopardy. Areas that were once well off the beaten track are now riverfront property on a world-famous trout river," the Foundation wrote in its grant request to IFWF. "These projects at Stone Bridge and Vernon Bridge will help protect access for the public. "The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation board believes this grant is an important step in preserving a phenomenal fishing and outdoor experience for Idahoans and visitors," Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation President Gary Mumford commented. Other 2005 IFWF grants include:
  • $5,000 to Friends of the Teton River for habitat restoration of Teton Creek
  • $5,000 to Waterlife Discovery Center in Sandpoint to help fund a fish viewing window
  • $5,000 to Idaho Department of Fish and Game for improvements at the Farragut Shooting Range near Athol
  • $2,550 to Pocatello Field Archers to help fence 40 acres of the archery range
  • $1,700 to Idaho Department of Fish & Game for remote digital cameras to track wildlife
  • $750 to Idaho Department of Fish and Game for a mammal checklist brochure in the Salmon Region
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 1990 to protect and sustain Idaho's fishing, hunting and wildlife heritage. Board members represent each region of the state. For more information about the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation contact Gayle Valentine or Lynnea Compton at 208-334-2648