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Idaho Fish and Game

9th Annual Salmon & Steelhead Days BBQ

"Red Fish and Blues Music" is the theme of the annual fundraiser at Fish and Game headquarters in Boise on Thursday , September 8, 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. "It's a wonderful opportunity to bring the family, enjoy a great meal, good music and get everyone acquainted with these magnificent fish," said Dan Herrig, Executive Director of Salmon & Steelhead Days. "The evening BBQ raises the money to support next year's daytime events." All of Idaho's wild Chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, and steelhead populations are at risk of extinction. On September 7-9, 750 fifth-grade students a day, with their teachers and chaperones, experience activities presenting biological, cultural, historical, and economic facts about Idaho's salmon resources. Students participate in fun hands-on activities while learning about these unique fish, their habitat, and the past and present relationship between humans and salmon. Thursday evening's event at Fish and Game Headquarters near Municipal Park features a salmon barbecue, hotdogs, ice cream and the music of the Bitterbrush Blues Band. In addition, this year families will be able to participate in some of the same activities the school kids enjoy such as the Salmon Maze, Gyotaku (the art of painting fish and making prints), ÔKids in the Creek' where families discover the underwater world, and a guided stream walk. Tickets are $8 for adults and $3 for children and are available at the gate or can be purchased in advance at Idaho Fish & Game headquarters 1075 Park Boulevard, or the MK Nature Center at 600 S. Walnut. Idaho Salmon & Steelhead Days is non-commercial, non-profit and non-politically oriented. A partnership of agencies, organizations, businesses and corporations finance, plan and execute this event annually. For more information go to the webpage at