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Idaho Fish and Game

2002 Waterfowl Update and Forecast

Habitat Conditions in Southern Alberta
  • Extremely dry winter
  • May 2002 pond numbers were 35 percent below average
  • Coldest spring weather in 50 years hampered nesting
  • Southern Idaho dry and northern Idaho wet
Population Trend
  • Total duck numbers this spring in southern Alberta were 47 percent below average
  • Mallard numbers this spring in southern Alberta were 30 percent below average
  • Goose numbers remain very strong in Alberta and good in most of Idaho
Harvest Trend
  • 2001 Idaho duck harvest was 190,000 16 percent below the 5-year average
  • 2001 Idaho goose harvest was 51,000 3 percent below the 5-year average
  • Canvasback harvest down 65 percent nationwide (no season in Idaho in 2001)
2002 Waterfowl Seasons
  • States may consider opening waterfowl seasons one week earlier and close one week later compared to last year (9/21/02 opener and 1/26/03 closure possible)
  • Allowed duck season length will probably be shorter than in 2001
  • Allowed goose season will almost certainly be unchanged
  • Different split seasons and zones will be reviewed with the public
  • Restrictions on canvasback and pintail harvest probable
  • Final 2002 season framework announced by USFWS on August 1
  • Public input meetings and open houses until August 12
  • Commission conference call on August 16 to set 2002 season