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Idaho Fish and Game

2002-03 Waterfowl Seasons to Be Topic at Fish and Game Open House

In spite of poor duck production in southern Alberta, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has allowed Idaho 107 days of both duck and goose hunting this coming season. The Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG) now needs public input from waterfowlers to decide when and how to set those seasons. The Magic Valley Region of IDFG will host an open house to take public comments and answer questions on Monday, August 12, at the regional office, 868 E. Main, Jerome, form 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Two options are being considered for waterfowl seasons. Option 1 (Early Opener) would open statewide on October 5 with a straight-through season for both ducks and geese. Option 2 (Late Closure) would open October 12 for ducks and October 19 for geese; both seasons would end on January 24 without any season split. Under both options, there would be a 60 day pintail season. As last year, Idaho's canvasback season will be closed. Also being proposed is a four goose daily bag limit for southwest and south central Idaho. That would include both the Southwestern and the Magic Valley Regions in Area 2. For those unable to attend this open house, you may direct your calls and questions to the regional wildlife staff at 324-4359, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. All public input must be received no later than the close of business August 12 for it to receive timely consideration.