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Idaho Fish and Game

Draft Idaho Black Bear Management Plan 2025-2030

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking comments on its Draft Idaho Black Bear Management Plan 2025-2030. The plan will provide guidance for staff to implement management actions that will aid in the protection and management of black bear populations and guide harvest recommendations.

Review the draft plan below and submit comments by December 3, 2024, at 6 p.m. MST.

The final draft of the plan will be presented for the Commission's approval at their January 2025 meeting.

Draft Idaho Black Bear Management Plan 2025-2030

This plan will function as the action plan for Idaho black bear management through 2030 by guiding IDFG in annual work plan development and program prioritization and providing direction for development of season recommendations. The plan identifies issues that affect black bears and their management. The plan will provide guidance to IDFG to implement programs that support black bear conservation and management.

Major sections of this plan include:

  • Hunter opportunity and harvest management
  • Black bear ecology
  • Population monitoring 
  • Human-black bear conflicts
  • Predation management
  • Statewide management direction
  • Region-level bear harvest data and priorities

Review the draft plan below and submit comments by December 3, 2024, at 6 p.m. MST.

The final draft of the plan will be presented for the Commission's approval at their January 2025 meeting.


Draft Idaho Black Bear Management Plan 2025-2030

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Public Comment Instructions

We welcome comments on any part or all of the Draft Idaho Black Bear Management Plan 2025-2030. Please review the plan and acknowledge if you generally support, support with concerns, or do not support. Address specific items of support or concern in the "general comments" section.  References to specific sections or pages in the plan are very helpful. We are only asking for review and comments on the draft management plan.

What Comes Next?

After the public comment period, Fish and Game staff will review public input and decide what edits need to be made. They will make those revisions and then forward the revised plan to the Fish and Game Commission for their review and approval. After the Commission approves it, it will guide black bear management until at least 2030.

How is a Management Plan different from Season Setting?

Species management plans set overall goals and objectives for managing a species, and generally are intended to guide management for 6-10 years.  They include guidance for staff and the IDFG commission to evaluate populations, hunting season structures, and overall hunter preferences.  Season setting is a process that occurs every two years.  Staff use management plans to make recommendations during season setting that are consistent with management plan guidance.  The commission can evaluate those recommendations relative to the management plan, and including public input, to make decisions about potential changes to hunting season structure.

For example, management plan statements might be: Offer both spring and fall black bear hunting opportunity, which overlap seasons for other species where possible. Where feasible, consider utilizing local sportsmen to assist with addressing depredation and nuisance bear issues.

A related season-setting recommendation might be: Extend spring season in a portion of Unit 24 to help address nuisance bear issues and provide additional hunting opportunity.

Thank you for your participation!

Public comment period closes at end of day on December 3, 2024 at 6 p.m. MST.
