Nearly 1 million acres! In 2019, Access Yes! opened 328,066 acres of private land and provided access to 525,115 acres of public land for hunters and anglers.

Access Yes!
Access Yes! is a program designed to improve access to private land or through private land to public land by compensating willing landowners who provide access.
How to Use This Guide
Pick a property from the list or map to view landowner's access requirements.
Carefully check:
- whether access is limited or unlimited (i.e. 5 hunters/day, unlimited, etc.)
- is landowner contact required
- when is access available (i.e. Aug. 1 - Dec. 31)
- what types of hunting or fishing opportunities are allowed
- what special restrictions exist (i.e. no fires or camping, travel only on existing roads, etc.)
- what special notes are included
Please act responsibly and respect private property. Your attention to landowner's requirements will help ensure a successful Access Yes! program for the hunters and anglers of today and tomorrow.

Respect Private Property
- Ask for Written Permission
- Leave Gates As You Found Them
- Pack Out Your Trash
- Be Courteous
- Stay on Established Roads
Best of luck and memories in your hunting and angling adventures!

Quick links and resources
Access Programs
- Accessible Idaho!
- Motorized Vehicles and Hunting
- Shooting Preserves
- Forest Legacy Conservation Easements
- USFWS National Wildlife Refuges