Walleyes are spread out throughout the lake from the Clark Fork River delta to the Pend Oreille River (see map below). The stationary receivers at the Clark Fork delta, Sheepherder Point, Sunnyside, and the Long Bridge had the highest concentrations of walleyes during the two-week period (June 15 - 26). Unlike last year, our sonic tagged walleyes are not currently concentrated in the main Clark Fork River, although several were recorded at the Clark Fork delta during the period. We began our active boat tracking as well this period and found several walleyes in Denton slough and Oden Bay, and found individual walleyes in Morton Slough, Murphy Bay and in the main Pend Oreille River by Preist River. We have about 25 walleyes with active sonic transmitters, keep in mind that if we find concentrations of our sonic tagged walleye in a small bay, there are likely many unmarked walleye in that area as well. We will soon begin downloading receivers in the Southern Basin of the lake. We will try to have another blog out in a few weeks. Good fishing!