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Idaho Fish and Game

Observations, Idaho Species Catalog - Status Lists


TIP: Before you begin be sure to log into your IFWIS account to obtain all the functionality assigned to you.

The Idaho Species Catalog menubar provides three options. This blog describes the functionality of the Idaho Species Catalog (ISC) 'STATUS LISTS' option at . For an introduction to the ISC please view our background blog.

Status Lists allow the user to query and download Conservation Statuses for a species or a taxonomic group. Attributes included are United State Endangered Species Act, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, BLM Type, USFS sensitive species, and IDAPA classification.

Click "FILTER" after you have specified one or all of the criteria under Keyword, Category, and Idaho Classification.  Be sure to "RESET" the filter before you begin a new filter.

Downloading the Status List is easy.  Once you have filtered your species of interest simply click the orange .csv button at the bottom of the page.  The .csv can then be saved and opened in MS Excel.  To download a Status List for the entire state simply make sure there is no filter set and download the .csv.