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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Hunting skills clinic set for Sept 14 at shooting range in Lapwai

| idfg-jbruns

If you loved the Hunt and Fish Idaho Expo, you'll be sure to enjoy the hunting skills clinic at the Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club (LCWC) range, 27007 Tom Beall road on Sat, Sept 14 starting at 8:30 a.m.  This event is free of charge and will be held in conjunction with LCWC 20th anniversary.… more

F&G Commission approves agreement to continue recreation access on state endowment lands

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game Commission on Aug. 23 approved a memorandum of agreement with the Idaho Department of Lands to continue public access for hunting, fish, trapping and other recreation on about 2.3 million acres of state endowment lands. 

Fish and Game will provide $.25 per acre annually to the Department of… more

Idaho's early small game opportunities are a great gateway for new hunters

| idfg-bpearson

Hunting small game is a great way for beginners to get started, and some of the earliest fall hunting seasons — including squirrel, snowshoe hare, cottontail, dove and forest grouse — present excellent opportunities for new hunters to develop their skills and confidence without breaking the bank. The best part? Good… more

Gavers Lagoon stocking suspended prior to lagoon rehabilitation

| idfg-tthompson

Stocking of rainbow trout has been suspended at Gavers Lagoon, located at the Hayspur Hatchery near Picabo, due to an upcoming rehabilitation project. Normally, the popular lagoon is stocked on a regular basis for anglers who like to fish in the Wood River Valley.

Handicapped accessible fishing… more

Crossing private land to access public land for big game hunting is a privilege, not a right

| idfg-tthompson

Often, big game hunts in Idaho require hunters to cross private land to reach their hunt unit that is usually on publicly-owned land. Many private landowners allow the public to cross their land, because they are often hunters themselves and support providing access to others so they can hunt on public lands and… more

Hunting season is here: see what's open in late August and September

| idfg-bpearson

Aug. 30 kicks off many archery seasons for deer and elk, general hunts for bear, mountain lion and wolves, as well as seasons for some upland game birds and animals with more seasons opening in September. 

Big game animals

Many archery seasons for deer run from Aug. 30 through Sept. 30. For details by unit,… more

Use those 'emergency' items in your hunting pack for more than emergencies

| idfg-rphillips

Every year, hunters find themselves deeper into rugged country than they expected, staying longer than they planned, or they might encounter an unexpected situation. Add to that fall weather, which in Idaho means anything from 70s and sunny to rain, snow and sub freezing temperatures, and sometimes within hours… more

Warm weather means hunters should take extra precautions with game meat

| idfg-mdemick

Early season big game hunts have started and hunters are already in the field for some late-summer hunts, which means they may be harvesting animals during hot weather. 

Hunters have an ethical and legal obligation to properly care for the game meat they harvest. Allowing a game animal to spoil will not only… more

2019 statewide and regional deer, elk hunting outlook

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho deer and elk hunters should see good to excellent hunting for elk and white-tailed deer, and average mule deer hunting in 2019, but that’s likely to vary by location across the state. 

A difficult winter for mule deer fawns took its toll on herds for the second time in three years, which will affect… more

New Fall Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Seasons and Limits

| idfg-jdupont

Hi everybody, our commission met today to discuss and take action on fall Chinook Salmon and steelhead seasons and limits in Idaho.  They have made some important decisions that I am sure many of you would like to know about.


Fall Chinook Salmon

Before I get right into the seasons… more

Second controlled hunt draw results now online

| idfg-bpearson

Results of the elk, deer, pronghorn, fall turkey and black bear second controlled hunt drawing have been posted through Fish and Game’s licensing system.

Hunters who already have an account can check to see if they drew controlled hunt tags and, if they drew, purchase them at… more

Want to try hunting in Idaho? Here's how to get started

| idfg-rphillips

Interested in hunting in Idaho? Don’t worry, getting started is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Idaho’s hunting rules can seem intimidating to a beginner because they’re so comprehensive. Hunters can pursue dozens of different game animals and birds in many places and different times of year, as… more

Roadkill study to continue in the Ashton/Island Park Ranger District with grant modification

| idfg-jbrower


In December of 2017, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game began a roadkill study on US… more

F&G rounds up nearly 250 Chinook salmon below Sawtooth Hatchery

| idfg-bpearson

In most years, Idaho Fish and Game’s hatchery managers wait patiently for Chinook salmon to return to hatcheries, but this summer, they gave them a helping hand at the Sawtooth Hatchery near Stanley. In August, Fish and Game staff and volunteers held a Chinook salmon roundup in the Salmon River downstream from the… more

Winners announced for second Super Hunt drawing

| idfg-bpearson

Winners in the second Idaho Super Hunt drawing have been picked.

Of the 25,533 total entries, 7,360 were for two deer tags, 7,636 were for two elk tags, 2,755 were for two pronghorn tags, 5,115 were for one moose tag, and 2,667 entries were for one Super Hunt Combo, which includes a tag for each of the four… more

Public's help sought in pronghorn poaching near Stanley

| idfg-mdemick

An illegally killed pronghorn buck was discovered recently near Stanley, and Idaho Department of Fish and Game is asking the public for information to bring the poacher to justice.

While working in the Stanley area on Wednesday, August 14, Fish and Game conservation officers Johnathan Beer and… more

Mule deer killed with pellet gun in Pocatello

| idfg-jjackson

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking information regarding the illegal killing of a mule deer doe in Pocatello.

At approximately 9:00 am on August 1, Idaho Fish and Game received a call about an injured deer in a south Pocatello neighborhood. The deer was reported to be lying in a backyard of a… more

Hunters: nonresident/second elk tags are sold out for 2019

| idfg-bpearson

Nonresident elk tags sold out on August 16. Nonresident elk and deer tags have sold out the past two years, and are selling faster this year.


Nonresident hunters who plan to buy a deer tag, or resident hunters interested in buying a second tag, should do so quickly. Of the 15,500 nonresident deer… more