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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Wild turkeys relocated to the South Hills near Oakley to bolster the existing turkey population

| idfg-tthompson

In an effort to supplement the dwindling population of wild turkeys in the Big Cottonwood area of Game Management Unit 54 northeast of Oakley, 36 turkeys were captured and relocated to the area in early February. The turkeys, which included toms, jakes and hens were captured near Pocatello by volunteers with the… more

Lake Cascade and Payette Lake ice conditions - March 10, 2022

| idfg-mthomas

On Thursday, March 10 I checked surface and ice conditions on Cascade and Payette Lakes. While conditions remain safe for fishing, recent warm temperatures and rain have dramatically changed the ice profiles on each lake. In particular, much of the "white" ice in previous weeks has been compressed into a more uniform… more

Deadwater ice jam is out! Grab your steelhead gear and head to the Upper Salmon River

| idfg-mdemick

The Deadwater ice jam on the upper Salmon River below North Fork slowly went out during the week of March 7.  Low temperatures Wednesday night resulted in new ice buildup at the upstream end of Deadwater, but this should melt quickly with the warmer weather predicted for this weekend. Fish and Game expects the river… more

Hiker charged by moose on Gibson Jack Trail

| idfg-jjackson

On the morning of Wednesday, March 9, a hiker was charged by a moose on Gibson Jack trail south of Pocatello in the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.  The hiker sustained a few injuries from the encounter but was able to hike out safely.

The individual was hiking with his dog when a moose charged from behind. … more

Governor Brad Little petitions to have grizzly bears removed from Endangered Species Act

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Governor Brad Little submitted a petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove grizzly bears in the “Lower 48” United States from the Endangered Species Act and recognize states’ successful efforts to recover and manage grizzly populations.

“Bureaucratic gridlock is keeping healthy grizzly… more

New hunter education instructor training offered in Pocatello on March 16

| idfg-jjackson

If you are a safe and responsible rifle or archery hunter, if you like sharing your knowledge and skills with youth and others new to the sport, if you have a passion about being an ethical and safe hunter, you might consider becoming an Idaho hunter or bowhunter education instructor!

Idaho Fish and Game’s… more

Irrigators in Salmon Region asked to contact Fish and Game before turning ditch water on this spring

| idfg-mdemick

To keep fish out of irrigation ditches, irrigators who divert water from local rivers and streams are asked to contact Idaho Fish and Game’s Anadromous Fish Screen Program at 208-756-6022 at least one week prior to turning their water on.

This will allow Fish and Game enough time to get all fish… more

Southeast Region fisheries to receive over 23,000 trout in March

| idfg-jjackson

Is it that time of year again?  Yes, it’s fish stocking time!  Personnel from Idaho Fish and Game’s hatcheries in the Southeast Region will be releasing over 23,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at various locations during March.


Body of Water Week To Be Stocked Number To Be Stocked… more

F&G collaborates with Idaho Lottery to support education, hunting and fishing

| idfg-imalepeai

Idaho Fish and Game and the Idaho Lottery announced a partnership to promote education funding, hunting, and fishing in Idaho.

Supporting the Idaho Lottery’s efforts to raise awareness for the new hunting and fishing themed “Cabela’s Cash Cooler” scratch ticket, Fish and Game will… more

In-person hunter education courses offered in Eastern Idaho

| idfg-jbrower

Instructor-led hunter education courses have ramped up all across the state and Eastern Idaho is no exception. A wide variety of course types and scheduling options are now available for students to begin registering. Among the upcoming offerings are Hunter Education Certification, Hunter/Bowhunter Combo Education… more

Citizen Shooting Range Advisory Committee Meeting - March 10, 2022

| staff

Citizen Shooting Range Advisory Committee
Meeting and Agenda

Thursday,  March 10, 2022, 6 p.m. MST

Idaho Fish and Game Headquarters Office
600 S. Walnut St. Boise

Video conference information

Live stream via Zoom:  https://zoom.… more

On the Move: March’s Wildlife Express takes a look at wandering wildlife

| idfg-cliess

Idaho is home to many different kinds of migrating animals. From salmon and elk to birds and butterflies, migration can be witnessed all across the state at certain times of year.

Animals migrate for a plethora of reasons, but more often than not it’s to seek out food and safe areas to breed and raise young.… more

Spring is near, and fishing will soon heat up in the Treasure Valley's community ponds

| idfg-bpearson

Love fishing but can’t seem to find the time to travel for an extended trip to a favorite lake, reservoir or river? That shouldn’t prevent anglers in the Treasure Valley from picking up their rod and reel and fishing on a weekend, or after work, because there are ample fishing opportunities nearby. … more

Shooting hours for migratory game birds updated for March 8-10 after error found in season brochure

| idfg-bpearson

After it was brought to staff’s attention that there was an error in the shooting hours table in the Idaho Migratory Game Bird 2021-2022 Seasons and Rules brochure, Fish and Game is notifying hunters that the shooting hours for March 8-10 are not accurate in the brochure.

The only season that remains open… more

F&G Range Grant Committee to meet March 10 at 6 p.m. MST in Boise and online

| idfg-rphillips

The Idaho Fish and Game Range Grant Committee will meet March 10 at 6 p.m. MST in Boise at 600 S. Walnut St. and online through a video conference. People can attend in person or online to observe the meeting, but there will be no opportunities for public comment or interaction with the committee. 


Idaho and Utah fish and wildlife agencies to provide Bear Lake fishery updates in public meeting on March 31

| idfg-jjackson

Fisheries staff from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources will share updates on the Bear Lake fishery and work plans for 2022 at an upcoming public meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 31, at the Garden City Convention Center’s Lakeside Room. The meeting… more

March 7 Upper Salmon River Weekly Steelhead Fishing Report

| idfg-bbeller

Steelhead angler effort along the upper Salmon River increased during the previous week but remained light overall. The majority of anglers were once again observed fishing between the towns of Salmon and Challis, while effort upstream of Challis and downstream of North Fork was low.

No anglers interviewed… more

Southeast Idaho Fish and Game officers receive Wildlife Officer of the Year Awards

| idfg-jjackson

For the second year in a row, Shikar-Safari Club International named a southeast Idaho Fish and Game Conservation Officer as Idaho’s Wildlife Officer of the Year.

Shikar-Safari Club International is a conservation-based organization that presents awards annually to wildlife law enforcement officers in… more