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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

First sockeye of 2018 arrives at Stanley

| idfg-rphillips

The first sockeye of 2018 returned to the Redfish Lake Creek trap near Stanley on July 26. The first sockeye arrived on July 27 last year. 

The fish is among the 233 sockeye that have so far crossed Lower Granite Dam near Lewiston (through July 26), which is the last dam the fish cross before reaching Idaho… more

Did I Draw That Prized Tag? Or Not?

| idfg-eoneale

Maybe the only thing worse than not receiving a postcard in the mail because you didn't draw that prized big game tag is not receiving that postcard in the mail when you did draw the tag.

Mailing of postcards to successful big game tag applicants was delayed this year, and the August 1 deadline… more

Blue-Green Algae Discovered at Horsethief Reservoir

| idfg-eoneale

Warmer water temperatures resulting from southwest Idaho’s prolonged summer heat wave are likely to blame for a blue-green algae outbreak at Horsethief Reservoir near Cascade. While levels of the toxin-producing bacteria remain unknown, water samples taken from the reservoir on Tuesday confirmed the presence of blue-… more

Aug. 1 deadline to buy controlled hunt tags is fast approaching

| idfg-rphillips

Hunters who applied for controlled hunt tags for deer, elk, pronghorn, black bear and turkey can check if they drew through Fish and Game's licensing system at if they already have an account. 

Those without an online license system account can get step-by-step instructions on… more

Becoming a Hunter Education Instructor

| idfg-jcreson

Are you looking to "Give Back?" If you have a passion for the hunting heritage, join us for the last Hunter Education Instructor orientation of the year. For more information, contact Jaime Creson (208-327-7159) or visit the events calendar page for more info.

Grizzly bear trapped and relocated in Eastern Idaho

| idfg-jbrower

On July 20, federal USDA Wildlife Services officials investigated the death of a domestic calf in the Dry Creek drainage near Kilgore and determined the calf was killed by a grizzly bear.

That evening, personnel from Idaho Fish and Game and Wildlife Services set a culvert trap and… more

F&G removes grizzly that frequented campground near Island Park

| idfg-jbrower

In order to protect public safety, Idaho Fish and Game officials on July 20 lethally removed a sub-adult male grizzly bear from near the Forest Service Mill Creek Campground in the Island Park area. Fish and Game staff were assisted by the Fremont County Sheriff’s Department and U.S. Forest Service personnel.… more

Ada County hunter draws first Idaho grizzly bear tag

| idfg-rphillips

An Ada County resident was drawn for the Idaho grizzly bear hunt and has been notified by Idaho Fish and Game, which by law can’t disclose the name of the hunter. 

There were 1,272 people who applied for the single grizzly bear tag, which was open only to Idaho residents. It will be used in a portion of… more

Rainbow trout stocking schedule for Southwest Idaho

| idfg-eoneale

Personnel from Fish and Game's McCall and Nampa Hatcheries will be releasing more than 24,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during August.

Location          Week Stocked           Number of Trout

Boise River - above Glenwood Bridge           August 6, 20           1,440/1,440… more

F&G Commission to meet July 25-26 in Idaho Falls

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game Commission will hold its quarterly meeting July 25-26 at the Fish and Game Regional Office at 4279 Commerce Circle in Idaho Falls. 

The meeting will include a public hearing at 7 p.m, July 25 where the public can address the commission on any topic pertaining to fish and game matters. There… more

Trout fishing gets a boost on the South Fork of the Payette River

| idfg-vosborn

Many anglers have driven by the South Fork of the Payette River, gazed into its translucent, Coke-bottle green water and wondered “where are the trout?” 

The short answer is they recently arrived via a Fish and Game stocking truck so people have a better chance to catch fish on this scenic river… more

Federal bill could provide new federal money for wildlife conservation

| idfg-rphillips

Senators James Risch (R-Idaho) and Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) introduced Recovering America’s Wildlife Act into the Senate on July 17, which could provide additional federal money to states for fish and wildlife species with the highest needs. The House version of the bill was introduced in December. 

If… more

Niagara Springs WMA gets new blind for wildlife watching and hunting

| idfg-sschroff

A wildlife viewing/hunting blind was recently built and is now ready for use. This 5-foot by 10-foot  structure provides visitors a viewing platform from which to observe a variety of wildlife species that inhabit of visit the WMA and the Snake River.

The blind is centrally located… more

Moose with Twin Calves Observed at Willow Bay

| idfg-jjackson

Moose with Twin Calves Observed at Willow Bay

A cow moose with twin calves has been observed in the area near Willow Bay Marina on American Falls Reservoir in southeast Idaho.

Though there have been no reported conflicts with this moose family so far, the public is being asked to exercise caution when… more

Falcon family finds a home at Fish and Game's Pocatello office

| idfg-jjackson

The grounds of the Idaho Fish and Game regional office in Pocatello is home to various critters—cottontail rabbits, songbirds, a marmot, occasional deer, and even wild turkeys now and then. Right now, the office grounds is also home to an American Kestrel family: mom, dad, and three young chicks… more like teenagers,… more

Public comments sought on proposed sage grouse, red squirrel hunting seasons

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game commission has two proposed hunting seasons out for public review and comment. People can comment by going to Survey and Comment page.  Deadline to comment is Aug. 6.  

Sage grouse

Idaho Fish and Game is scoping two options  for the 2018 sage-grouse season:

Option 1 is the… more

Enjoy encounters with mountain goats, but keep a safe distance

| idfg-kcampbell

Fish and Game was recently notified of hikers displaying some inappropriate behavior when it comes to interactions with mountain goats, such as taking close-up selfies with these sharp-horned beasts. We know how cool it is to be outdoors hiking and see a mountain goat. It’s an experience that you will never forget!  … more

Black bear breaks into zoo, gets a Fish and Game escort back to the wild

| idfg-jjackson

Bear breaks into zoo: it sounds like the punchline of a joke, but it recently happened at Zoo Idaho in Pocatello, and Fish and Game conservation officers had a unique situation on their hands. 

Early morning on July 3, a wild black bear was discovered inside the zoo perimeter by zoo staff… more