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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Wolverine inadvertently taken by trapper in Salmon area

| idfg-rphillips

An Idaho trapper on Dec. 8 reported finding a dead adult female wolverine that was inadvertently caught in his trap in Lemhi County. The trapper turned the carcass in to Fish and Game, as required by law. . 

Wolverines are native to Idaho and have been protected by state law since 1965. In 2013, the U.S. Fish… more

Pheasant Miscount means fewer birds stocked on WMAs

| idfg-eoneale

Along with Christmas trees, you can add ring-necked pheasants to the list of hard to find items this Christmas season.

A simple miscount by the supplier of birds destined for stocking on Fish and Game’s four regional Wildlife Management Area (WMAs) means fewer birds have and will be stocked in the final weeks… more

F&G Commission to vote on extending reduced steelhead bag limits to spring season

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet by conference call Thursday, December 21 to vote on extending the reduced bag limit and possession limits for steelhead that were set in October. 

Proposed daily bag limits for spring 2018 are two steelhead daily and six in possession, which is same as the current bag… more

Brownlee and Weiser elk are homebodies, tracking data finds

| idfg-nborg

Last winter, Fish and Game received a grant from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and initiated a project tracking elk movements in the southern Weiser River and Brownlee elk management zones. The goal is to better understand elk distribution, seasonal range use, and migration patterns to determine if there… more

Congress to consider bill to enhance Wildlife Conservation Nationwide

| idfg-mdemick

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, a bill introduced December 14 in Congress, will deliver a modern enhancement in how fish and wildlife conservation is funded before species become more rare and costly to protect – if it becomes law.

The bill (HR4647) would redirect $1.3 billion annually in existing… more

Fish and Game elk mortality study continues in the Panhandle

| idfg-pcooper

Idaho Fish and Game is starting the fifth year of a comprehensive elk mortality study in Idaho’s Panhandle.

Working with a private helicopter contractor, crews will be in the field capturing and collaring elk around mid-December. In this study, elk are being captured with either nets or tranquilizer darts… more

Lake Cascade Ice fishing report; Jan 5, 2018

| idfg-pjanssen

Lake Cascade ice and fishing conditions are now excellent over the entire lake with 7 or more inches of hard ice. On the North Arm the slush and water that was on top of the ice last week has frozen with just an inch or two of hard snow on top. Foot, snowmobile and ATV's anglers are having no problems getting around… more

One Thousand Mounds -- Counting Grebe Nests in West-central Idaho

| idfg-devansmack

Western Grebes are a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Idaho, and Lake Cascade supports the largest number of nesting Western Grebes in the state. They travel here in spring and wait for Lake Cascade to fill with runoff before they build their nests in protected shallow water. Grebes are front heavy and can’t… more

Gift licenses, Super Hunt entries make great stocking stuffers

| idfg-mdemick

Give the gift of the great outdoors - gift certificates for a fishing license, hunting license, or Super Hunt entry make excellent stocking stuffers.

Fishing and hunting provide a good excuse to get outside, see the beauty of Idaho, and spend precious time with family and friends. For outdoor enthusiasts,… more

Clearwater Region weekly steelhead report (12/4/17 - 12/10/17)

| idfg-vosborn

This week the Clearwater Region saw a decrease in angler effort, the colder temperatures is a possible factor keeping anglers off of the water.

There were fish caught this week all throughout the region with the majority of fish being released due to the size limitations of this season. Aside from the… more

Upper Salmon River weekly steelhead report (12/4/17)

| idfg-vosborn

This will be the last upper Salmon River weekly steelhead report of the fall 2017 season. Reports will begin again at the start of the 2018 spring steelhead season.

As colder weather moved into the area, steelhead angler effort on the upper Salmon River continued to decline over the past week. Little effort… more

GPS collars show the hidden lives of deer and elk

| idfg-rphillips

The whup, whup, whup of a helicopter grows louder as a herd of deer flees toward a trap. A small army of Fish and Game staff and volunteers hide as the animals run into a hidden net and become entangled. 

People rush to the thrashing animals, and within seconds, untangle and calm them by… more

Wolf trapping certification course offered in Nampa December 16

| idfg-mdemick

Trappers interested in learning more about the specifics of trapping wolves are reminded that Idaho rules require trappers to successfully complete a Wolf Trapper Certification course before they can purchase wolf trapping tags.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will sponsor a certification course in Nampa… more

IDFG Begins Winter Trapping & Animal Counts Using Helicopters

| idfg-glosinski

IDAHO FALLS - As the snows of winter start to push deer, elk, and moose onto their winter ranges, the Idaho Department of Fish… more

Making Fishing Better - An anglers personal mission

| idfg-dmegargle

Richard Kicklighter is an avid angler who lives in the Burley area. He has a long history of fishing in the area, and he remembers the days when Freedom Park Pond was a cherished and heavily used fishery.

Freedom Park Pond is no longer stocked by Idaho Department of Fish and Game. The pond habitat had… more

Localized Canada Goose Die-off

| idfg-kcampbell

I received a phone call this fall from a concerned citizen reporting a couple of dead Canada geese near his property around the Rathdrum prairie. After taking notes regarding the situation I told him to keep an eye on things and let me know if any more dead animals turn up.

The following day my co-worker… more

Helicopter surveys of big game to begin soon

| idfg-mdemick

Beginning in early December, Fish and Game staff will be flying to get a closer look at deer and elk numbers, including several low-level helicopter surveys planned throughout the state.

"We want to give folks a heads up regarding these flights,” said Daryl Meints, Fish and Game deer and elk program… more

Trapper education courses scheduled

| idfg-mdemick

Beginning July 1, 2018, every trapper who purchased their first trapping license after June 30, 2011 will be required to attend and pass a mandatory trapper education course before they can purchase an Idaho trapping license.

Trappers that have successfully passed and are certified through the Idaho voluntary… more