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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Salmon Season Closes on Some Rivers, Stays Open on Others

| idfg-nnokkentved

The spring Chinook salmon season closes Wednesday, May 30, on the mainstem Clearwater River from the railroad bridge at Lewiston upstream to the Cherrylane Bridge, and on the North Fork below the Dworshak Dam. Fishery managers estimate that the harvest target for the recreational fishery share of surplus Dworshak… more

Salmon Season Continues Another Four Days

| idfg-nnokkentved

LEWISTON - Salmon anglers will get another four days of fishing, Friday, May 25 through Monday, May 28, in all waters now open to salmon fishing in Idaho. Fishery managers are informing anglers that this will be the final four days of salmon fishing in the lower Clearwater River and North Fork Clearwater River… more

Commission to Study Rising Costs of Stocking Pheasants

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission agreed to study options and to decide at the July meeting what to do about the rising cost of stocking game farm pheasants. The commissioners agreed to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's recommendations on the pheasant stocking budget during their recent quarterly meeting in Sun… more

Fishing Season Opens

| idfg-mcoleman

The traditional opening of fishing season, and the official launch of summer in Idaho, is Saturday May 26. Unless listed under regional exceptions in the rule book, fishing is open on Idaho rivers and streams from May 26 through November 30. Most lakes and reservoirs and ditches and man-made canals are open year round… more

Moose, Goat and Sheep Results Available

| idfg-mcoleman

Results of the drawings for moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat controlled hunts are now available along with drawing odds. To find the results go to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Website at or to local Fish and Game offices.

Harvest Data for 2006 Hunts Available

| idfg-mcoleman

Harvest information from 2006 controlled hunts is available. The data has been compiled for deer, elk, antelope, moose, mountain goat, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep and California bighorn sheep controlled hunts. The data are listed at The results include numbers of permits… more

Wildlife Plates Help Support Nongame Wildlife Programs

| idfg-mcoleman

Getting that camp trailer ready for the Memorial Day weekend? Idaho residents can put wildlife plates on their camp trailers as well as the vehicle that pulls them while they help support nongame programs and boating access. More than 80 percent of Idaho's wild creatures-523 species including songbirds, water birds,… more

Fish and Game News Available

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Fish and Game News quarterly tabloid publication is now available at license vendors and department offices statewide. This issue looks at the upcoming fishing season, with roundups from all seven regions of the state. It also includes updates on the Mule Deer Initiative, and a piece on the ongoing clash… more

Project WILD Workshop Offered In Sawtooth Mountains

| idfg-mcoleman

Want to learn about predator-prey relationships, earn continuing education credits, and develop some ideas for the classroom all while enjoying the beauty of 10,000-foot peaks surrounding your classroom? If so, you will want to attend the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's "Fast Food in a WILD World" teacher's… more

Ask Fish and Game: X Hunts

| idfg-mcoleman

Q. In 2006, I drew an elk permit in a controlled X hunt in January, and now I can't enter the X hunt drawing for next year. Why not? A. Hunters who entered controlled hunt drawings in 2006 for X hunts in early 2007 and were drawn can't enter controlled X hunts this year. Controlled hunts 74X and 76-4X for extra… more

Public Comments Sought for Fishing Rules

| idfg-nnokkentved

Anyone who wants to provide comments to help shape the 2008-2009 fish rules may attend one of three upcoming open house meetings in the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Southwest Region. These open houses are the first of several rounds of meetings that will culminate in the Idaho Fish and Game Commission adopting… more

Extra Hunting Opportunities Available in Salmon

| idfg-nnokkentved

Looking for a chance to fill your freezer next winter? Would you like an extra antlerless deer hunting opportunity? Then it's time to fill out an application for a white-tail or mule deer controlled hunt. Controlled hunt applications for deer, as well as for elk and antelope, will be accepted at the Idaho Department… more

Anglers Asked to Comment on Fishing Rules

| idfg-nnokkentved

Do you want to see increased brown trout harvest on Silver Creek? That's just one of several fishing rule proposals submitted to the Magic Valley Region for consideration in the 2008-2009 fishing rules. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is asking for angler comments at an open house from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. May… more

Fish and Game Commissioners to Meet in Sun Valley

| idfg-mcoleman

An exploding turkey population in northern Idaho and the rising cost of raising pheasants for upland bird hunters are among the issues the Idaho Fish and Game Commission will take up May 16 through May 18 at the Sun Valley Resort. The commissioners' three-day meeting includes a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Wednesday,… more

Leave Baby Animals Alone

| idfg-mcoleman

The end of May and the beginning of June is the peak fawning and calving season for Idaho's deer, elk and antelope. With campers and other outdoors enthusiasts heading out to the woods, well-meaning folks often find baby birds and other animals that seem to be abandoned. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is asking… more

Apply Early, Avoid the Rush, Win Cash

| idfg-mcoleman

Applying early for controlled hunt drawings and fishing licenses will help avoid last-minute congestion on license vendor computer terminals as the Idaho Department of Fish and Game switches to a new licensing contractor. Anglers who don't have a 2007 Idaho fishing license yet and who don't want to be part of the rush… more

Comments Sought on Challis Sage-grouse Plan

| idfg-mcoleman

The Challis Sage-grouse Local Working Group's draft Conservation Plan for Sage-grouse is now available for public review and comment. The draft plan and four appendices are available online at Hard copies of the document are available for review at the following… more

Fish Biologists Tag Fish Across the State

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game continues to tag fish across the state to estimate angler harvest rates more precisely, and to understand better how harvest affects state fisheries. This information will help Fish and Game manage the state's fish. In almost every corner of the state, the department's fish… more