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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Youth conservation camp to be held in Cascade in August

| idfg-mdemick

Imagine your child on a week-long adventure where they learn to hunt, fish, and enjoy the great outdoors.

If you have a child 10 to 12 years old who wants to learn outdoor skills, become certified in hunter and bowhunter education, and experience a wide variety of other fun outdoor activities, register… more

Fish and Game moves endangered sockeye to Springfield hatchery

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game on Thursday, March 30 transported about 4,000 adult sockeye salmon from its Eagle Fish Hatchery to its sockeye hatchery at Springfield to ensure the fish remain protected if there’s flooding at the Eagle hatchery.  

The Boise River is running at flood… more

High Water in the Magic Valley

| idfg-dmegargle


The impressive snow packs and related snow melt is already showing impacts around the Magic Valley Region. Silver Creek is outside of it's banks, and Carey Lake is flooding the access area with water periodically flowing over the highway. Magic Reservoir began to spill a few days back (See Magic… more

Bighorns euthanized after contacting domestic sheep in Challis

| idfg-mdemick

Two bighorn sheep rams that were in immediate proximity to domestic sheep near Challis were euthanized Thursday, March 30, to prevent the sheep from potentially carrying disease back to the wild herd. One ram was a five-years-old and the other a six-year old.

Idaho Department of… more

Southwest Region 'Take Me Fishing!' Trailer Schedule

| Anonymous (not verified)

Stocked with equipment and information, Fish and Game’s fishing trailer will soon be making more than 25 appearances at local ponds across the region, promoting fishing as part of a healthy outdoor lifestyle.

To learn more about the trailer program, contact the Fish and Game Nampa office at 465-8465.… more

Volunteers plant sagebrush and bitterbrush to help wildlife

| idfg-blowe

Shrub plantings in the Magic Valley have been going well with just under 22,000 Wyoming big sagebrush and antelope bitterbrush plants put in the ground by local volunteers and area high school students. The plantings are intended to increase wildlife forage in areas burned by wildfires, or otherwise lacking a… more

Clearwater River Steelhead Fishing Update

| idfg-bbowersox

The few anglers fishing from boats on the main stem of the Clearwater River (03) are fishing right around the Dworshak National Fish Hatchery and the shore anglers are fishing at the pole yard. The catch rate for the few anglers interviewed were good.

The North Fork of the Clearwater had effort… more

Conservation Officers Seek Assistance Regarding Bull Elk Shot And Left to Waste Near Rexburg

| idfg-glosinski

REXBURG - On Thursday, March 16, 2017, a bull elk was shot and left to waste on privately owned farm ground near White Owl Butte approximately 11 miles east of Rexburg in Madison County, ID.  There currently is no open hunting season for elk in that area.  Idaho Department of Fish… more

Flooding Boise River adds challenge for Eagle Hatchery

| idfg-staff

Each morning staff members from Fish and Game’s Eagle Hatchery patrol the irrigation ditch along the Boise River checking for leaks. Endangered sockeye salmon are housed at the facility and the fear is flood waters reaching the well or the electrical pumps that keep water going to the fish.… more

Upper Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report (3/27/17)

| idfg-vosborn

River conditions improved this past week on the upper Salmon River which resulted in better steelhead fishing. River flows remained above average, but the river’s visibility increased throughout the week. The majority of anglers were observed fishing near the Ellis stretch in location code 17 or upstream of the East… more

Payette Pronghorn Staying Put for Now

| Anonymous (not verified)

A herd of pronghorn antelope that took up residence in Payette, Idaho just after the new year will be allowed to remain. Fish and Game staff have determined that leaving the animals alone – at least for the time being – is the best course of action.

“We’ve received a number of calls from citizens… more

Youth turkey hunt begins April 8

| idfg-mdemick

Youth turkey hunters get an early shot as Idaho's general season youth turkey hunt runs Saturday, April 8 through Friday, April 14.

Licensed youth who are 10 to 17 years old on April 8 may participate in the general season youth hunt. Resident hunters under 12 and nonresident… more

Coeur d'Alene Lake Cutthroat Trout Conservation Project Resumes

| idfg-adux

Biologists with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) and Coeur d’Alene Tribe are resuming efforts to give cutthroat trout a better chance of survival in Coeur d’Alene Lake.

The goal is to remove northern pike from Windy Bay while cutthroat trout are migrating to reduce the occurrence… more

Commission Decisions on Weiser and Sawtooth Elk Hunts

| idfg-rberkley

On March 16, the IDFG commission set the 2017 & 2018 big game hunting seasons. Many hunters have called to ask about changes to the Weiser and Sawtooth elk zones. Those are summarized here:

Weiser Zone

Commission voted to adopt changes that included removing several controlled cow… more

Big snowpack should pay dividends for anglers

| idfg-rphillips

Fish need water, and Idaho's mountains are full of water in the form of a giant snowpack. According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, mountain ranges throughout the state in early March had snowpacks ranging from a 90 percent of average in the Couer d'Alene and Priest… more

Lake Pend Oreille "State of the Lake" public meeting is March 30

| idfg-adux

Kameron Roslak with a 13lb Rainbow Trout caught in Lake Pend Oreille.
CAPTION: Kameron Roslak with a 13lb Rainbow Trout caught in Lake Pend Oreille.

The Lake Pend Oreille "State of the Lake" public meeting is held annually and will be 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 30 at Ponderay… more

Know How to Deal with High Water in the Spring? Fish a Reservoir

| idfg-dparrish


Where do you fish when the creeks too high?  Try your local reservoir.  Those wanting out of the Treasure Valley can venture to a place like Cascade or Horsethief reservoirs.  There's just enough open-water to bank fish using spinners or bait. … more

Please avoid big game herds to let them recover from winter

| idfg-rphillips

Despite  warm, spring weather, the Boise River Wildlife Management Area remains closed to all public use to protect wildlife. The area is a refuge for deer, elk and other wildlife that are recuperating from a severe winter, and it will reopen when herds migrate off the WMA. 

“We want to give… more