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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

IDFG To Capture Elk Calves As Part Of Research Study

| idfg-staff

As part of a long-term investigation, Idaho Department of Fish and Game biologists plan to capture and radio-collar approximately 30 elk calves on each of two north central Idaho study areas during late May and early June. Calves less than about four days old will be spotted from a helicopter, then biologists will… more

Salmon Season Starts Slow, Counts Look Good

| idfg-staff

Chinook fishing started slow on the first two weekends of the 2001 season, but counts at Lower Granite Dam, the last barrier to salmon entering Idaho rivers, indicate good times for anglers on the way. The anadromous salmon seasons got underway in parts of the Snake, Clearwater and Salmon rivers on April 21. Salmon… more

Governor Kempthorne Welcomes Salmon Back

| idfg-staff

Governor Dirk Kempthorne will try his hand at catching one of Idaho's big chinook salmon this Friday on the Clearwater River near Orofino. Joining the Governor will be Idaho Fish and Game Director Rod Sando and Idaho State Department of Commerce Director Gary Mahn. The media is invited to attend and join in the… more

Error in Controlled Hunt List

| idfg-staff

The 2001 rules brochure for deer, elk and antelope has an error in one of the controlled hunt listings. Hunt 1008, a November antlered-only deer hunt, is shown as being in Game Management Unit 19. It should be corrected to indicate Unit 19A.

Radio Auction Raises Wildlife $$

| idfg-staff

Idaho's wildlife habitat will receive a boost from one of the most successful radio auctions ever held with Fish and Game participation. Fish and Game teamed up with the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation April 25 for a radio auction that was heard through most of southern Idaho.… more

Cross-border Wildlife Crime Doesn't Pay

| idfg-staff

By Harry Morse, Southeast Region Conservation Educator Butch Cassidy may have gotten away with robbing banks on the Utah/ Idaho border, but three hunters from Utah who shot a mountain lion in Idaho and claimed it was killed in Utah did not. They paid a total of $3,200 for their illegal acts. Tracking on horseback… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. I am ready for this salmon season! Is it true I can keep more fish? A. Yes, the limit is increased this year because of the size of the run. You can keep four per day and have eight in possession everywhere the season is open EXCEPT in the Snake River, where the limit is two per day and four in possession. You can… more

IDFG Seeking Angler Comments For 2002-2003 Fish Rules

| idfg-staff

Anglers who would like to provide input into development of fishing rules for the upcoming two years are encouraged to attend one of Idaho Department of Fish and Game's public meetings. Regional fish biologists will be on hand to take angler input and discuss possible changes, most of which are designed to simplify… more

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Help IDFG Improve Habitat

| idfg-staff

Volunteers from the Moscow Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation helped the Idaho Department of Fish and Game plant 1000 Hawthorn seedlings to improve wildlife habitat on the Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area recently. Pausing briefly to enjoy the spectacular views of the Snake River canyon, the nine… more

Law Catches Up With Wasteful Nonresident Hunter

| idfg-staff

A recent case in Idaho County is a shining example of the positive contribution concerned citizens and cooperation with other state wildlife management agencies can make toward wildlife law enforcement. In this instance, a sportsmen's tip led to more than $967 in fines, 1-year license revocation, 12-month probation… more

Bear Hunters: Check Rule Changes

| idfg-staff

Most spring bear seasons opened April 15. Hunters pursuing black bear this spring will find the season dates in the 2000 big game rules brochure. The Fish and Game Commission has made some changes since that book was printed. Those changes are already in effect and in the 2001 brochure, available soon at license… more

Mandatory Report Returns, Includes Antelope

| idfg-staff

The "mandatory report" system for tracking hunter participation and harvest is back for 2001. Deer, elk and antelope hunters will be issued a report form with each tag and must submit the completed form within 10 days of harvest, or of the end of the season for which their tag was valid. Hunters who have already… more

Turkey Hunters Can Get Two Tags This Spring

| idfg-staff

Hunters after wild turkey in Idaho can get two tags for the spring seasons. Whether hunters have a general season tag or drew in a controlled hunt for this spring, they can still purchase a second tag for the spring general hunts. With the addition of a controlled hunt permit and tag or a general season tag in the fall… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. Why is there a "second" Middle Fork Zone elk tag? A. The intent of the tag was to increase the harvest of cow elk without increasing the pressure on bulls. The questions we've heard are: Q. Do the "second" (cow) tags count in the total cap on tag sales for the zone? A. Yes, F… more

April 30 Deadline for Trophy Species

| idfg-staff

Hunters planning to apply for controlled hunt drawings for moose, bighorn sheep or mountain goats have one more week. The last day to apply is April 30. There are 1003 antlered moose permits and 147 antlerless permits available. Sheep hunters will have a chance at 64 permits for Rocky Mountain bighorns and 13 permits… more

Southeast Region Public Scoping Meetings Schedule

| idfg-staff

Idaho Department of Fish and Game 2002-2003 Fishing Rule Public Scoping Meetings Anglers who would like to provide input into development of fishing rules for the upcoming two years are encouraged to attend one of the Fish and Game Department's public meetings. The meetings will be held at the following times and… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. When can I use a second spring turkey tag? A. You can use it in any general hunt from May 10 to May 25.

Win Big Buck$, Apply for Controlled Hunts Early

| idfg-staff

Hunters who apply early for this fall's controlled hunts for deer, elk, black bear and antelope can get big bucks in two ways: draw a tag and hunt one in the field, or be the lucky winner of a drawing worth $600 or $400. The applications are accepted during the whole month of May, but only those received by May 10… more