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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Southwest Salmon Season Meeting Set

| idfg-nnokkentved

More than 83,000 marked hatchery Chinook salmon are predicted to cross Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River later this spring, with most of those fish headed for Idaho. In anticipation of salmon fishing on the Main Salmon, Little Salmon and South Fork Salmon Rivers, Idaho Fish and Game is hosting a meeting to discuss… more

Fish and Game Honors Wildlife Reservists

| idfg-nnokkentved

The Magic Valley Region of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game recently recognized members of its Wildlife Reservist program for their contribution to managing Idaho's fish and wildlife resources in 2007. Jenny Ferguson of Burley was named Reservist of the Year for her continuing participation and tireless efforts… more

Pheasants Forever Banquet Scheduled in Lewiston

| idfg-nnokkentved

Outdoor enthusiasts looking to make a difference for wildlife habitat and conservation are invited to attend the North Idaho Chapter of Pheasants Forever banquet scheduled Saturday, April 5, at the Elks Club in Lewiston. "You don't have to hunt pheasants, train dogs or even own a shotgun to attend the banquet," said… more

Craig Mountain Gates Close March 17

| idfg-nnokkentved

With area big game animals returning to higher elevations, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game will close gates on the Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area March 17. The closure date was selected in cooperation with local snowmobile groups and hunters to reduce disturbance of game animals and to provide security… more

Chinook Salmon Returns Mean Fishing In Idaho

| idfg-mcoleman

Chinook salmon returning to Idaho this year may bring the second best salmon season in decades along with an economic lift to some rural communities and salmon fishing to the Sawtooth Valley. Fishery managers are forecasting nearly 100,000 Chinook salmon across Lower Granite Dam on their return to Idaho. During a… more

Commission Adopts Wolf, Mule Deer Plans

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission Thursday morning, March 6, adopted an Idaho wolf population management plan. The plan lays the foundation for Idaho's first hunting seasons on wolves. During a special meeting Wednesday and Thursday, March 5 and 6, the commissioners adopted the wolf plan, a long-range mule deer… more

Turkey, Black Bear Drawing Results Online

| idfg-mcoleman

Hunters who applied for the 2008 spring turkey and black bear controlled hunts can find results on the Idaho Fish and Game website at Successful applicants also have been notified by mail. Details for obtaining or exchanging tags are explained on the site. Hunters who… more

Wolf Report: Annual Report Available

| idfg-lfrench

The 2007 annual summary of wolf recovery in Idaho is now available. During 2007, biologists documented 83 resident wolf packs in Idaho. The minimum population was estimated at 732 wolves. In addition, 13 documented border packs counted for Montana and Wyoming had established territories straddling the Idaho state… more

Bighorn Sheep to be Captured

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife plan to capture 45 bighorn sheep in four Hells Canyon herds March 12 and 13 as part of the ongoing Hells Canyon Initiative to restore bighorn sheep populations. Bighorn sheep will be captured… more

Live the Wild Life

| idfg-mcoleman

If fishing, river floating, backpacking and bird watching are on your "to do" list this year, you'll want to go online for the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation's 18th Annual Trip Auction beginning at 6 a.m. Friday, March 14, Mountain Daylight Time and ending at 9 p.m. Monday, March 24. This event, co-sponsored by… more

Ask Fish and Game: Fish Stocking

| idfg-mcoleman

Q. When does Fish and Game start stocking fish, and how can I find out where they are being stocked? A. Fish and Game stocks some waters all year round. Other waters are stocked at various times during the year. For a current stocking report contact the regional Fish and Game office, or go online to: http://… more

Ask the Conservation Officer (CO)

| idfg-staff

by Gary Hompland, Regional Conservation Officer Question: "I heard several more elk died in the Sun Valley area but this time they were not associated with a feed site. Did you do complete a post-mortem examination on them, and how did they die? Answer: You are correct three more elk have died in the Sun Valley… more

Become an Idaho Master Naturalist

| idfg-nnokkentved

Though new to Idaho, the Master Naturalist Program is well established in many states throughout the United States. The Idaho Master Naturalist Program aims to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to actively work toward stewardship of Idaho's natural environment. An Idaho Master Naturalist chapter is… more

Fish and Game Commission Meets This Week

| idfg-mcoleman

Several big items are on the agenda of the Idaho Fish and Game Commission, which meets Wednesday and Thursday, March 5 and 6, in Boise. First up is a public comment period at 7 p.m. Wednesday, at the Doubletree Riverside, 2900 Chinden Boulevard, Boise. The commissioners will take up again at 8 a.m. Thursday in the… more

Patrol Effort Helps Reduce Deer-Auto Collisions

| idfg-estansbury

On his way to work Monday morning, February 25, the manager of Idaho Fish and Game's Boise River Wildlife Management Area had to stop along the road to put down an injured mule deer fawn. Later, after lunch, area manager Ed Bottum went home because he wasn't feeling well. Only after fitfully trying to nap did he… more

Volunteers Wanted for Osprey Watch Program

| idfg-mcoleman

By Beth Waterbury, Idaho Fish and Game In another month, adult osprey pairs will return to the Salmon River after a six-month hiatus in southern Mexico and Central America. This year, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game hopes to have a trained team of volunteer scientists at-the-ready to monitor breeding pairs… more

Precautions Can Prevent Wolf Trouble with Pets

| idfg-lfrench

As the wolf population in Idaho grows, the likelihood of encounters with humans and particularly pet dogs also may increase, especially in rural areas. While it's impossible to completely eliminate wolf-dog conflicts in wolf habitat, there are several precautions dog owners can take. Many precautions are similar to… more

Fish & Game Seeks Comments on Salmon Season

| idfg-mcoleman

Salmon anglers are encouraged to provide their comments on proposals to the upcoming salmon season by attending any of five Idaho Department of Fish and Game public meetings scheduled in Lewiston and the Clearwater Region. Regional fishery personnel will provide a brief overview of prior seasons, especially the 2007… more