Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023- 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Address: Idaho Fish and Game Southeast Region Office
1345 Barton Road, Pocatello, ID
Call in Number: 1-208-985-2810 Enter Code: 811 847 642#
Members of the Southeast Region Winter Feeding Advisory Committee (WFAC) will be meeting with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game for a final time this 2022/2023 winter season.
Discussion will include a summary of feeding efforts, including the number of animals fed, amount of food distributed this year, number of Fish and Game staff and volunteers involved, actions that went well, actions that require improvement, and a comparison of this season’s winter feeding approach to that of 2016/2017.
The WFAC is made up of four local citizens from around the region whose input helps to inform Fish and Game’s winter-feeding decisions.
Committee members meet several times each winter as they monitor local weather, wildlife distribution and landscape conditions. Committee members also serve as sounding boards for citizens in their communities and communicate with Fish and Game staff on a regular basis.
Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting in person or call-in, but please note that meeting rules do not allow for the public to provide comment or ask questions during the meeting. The public is welcome to provide comments to the WFAC members or to the Idaho Fish and Game anytime before the meeting convenes.
Follow this link to learn more about winter feeding in Idaho.
WFAC Meeting Agenda for April 25, 2023
● Welcome.
● Please note that any members of the public who have called in are welcome to listen to the discussions and official business of the WFAC. However, members of the public are not allowed to provide input or ask questions anytime during this meeting per rules guiding the official business of the WFAC. That being said, members of the public have been providing comments via phone calls, emails, and texts to both Fish and Game staff and committee members prior to this meeting for everyone’s consideration.
● As a friendly reminder, WFAC members and staff are asked to please identify themselves before speaking.
● WFAC Chair David Priestley— call for any changes to the agenda.
● Feeding operations in the Southeast Region concluded on April 21, 2023. Eric Freeman and other staff are prepared to present information related to this season’s efforts (number of animals fed, amount of food put on the ground, # of volunteers, etc.)
● Evaluation of feeding efforts this year with comparisons to feeding efforts in 2016/2017. Topics for discussion include: what was done well, what could be improved, pros and cons of different feeding approaches between this season and 2016/2017 season, other items/questions from the WFAC.
● Any other items for discussion?
● Final comments from IDFG.
● Reminder: No more meetings for the WFAC to be scheduled until the 2023/2024 winter season.
● Adjourn.
For more information contact the Southeast Region at (208) 232-4703.