Rules passed by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission, such as legal equipment definitions, controlled hunt requirements, allowable method of take, and tag quotas are considered rulemaking and must be adopted following the Idaho Administrative Procedure Act, including approval by the Idaho Legislature whose guidance is that formal negotiated rulemaking should be followed whenever feasible.
Public comment is an important part of rule development and will be used to determine feasibility of negotiated rulemaking. Please be aware that public comments will become part of the official public record. If you want to provide comments on one or more of the following proposals, you may do so within each rulemaking docket below.
Season Setting
Season setting includes timing and length, species and sex of animal (or fish), size of animal, and number of animals. Season regulations do not require legislative approval.
It is done through separate means and processes, and on a different webpage. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about wildlife management or enforcement, please contact a Fish and Game regional office.