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Idaho Fish and Game


Upper Snake and Salmon regions experiencing pheasant shortage for stocking


Fish and Game planned to stock 37,000 pheasants this fall, most of which will still be released

Due to supply and distribution issues with a contractor hired to provide pheasants to Fish and Game Wildlife Management Areas and other stocking locations in the Upper Snake and Salmon Region, pheasants will be redistributed statewide in an effort to supply pheasants during the remainder of the hunting season at a reduced stocking rate per area. 

“We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration this has caused,” said James Brower, Regional Communications Manager. “We at Fish and Game are equally frustrated by this shortage of pheasants that were promised to be delivered for stocking, and we are trying to make the best of this unexpected setback.” 

Some areas in the Upper Snake and Salmon region were not stocked on time, or with the number of birds promised by the contractor. Due to uncertainty with future deliveries, Fish and Game officials have been working with another pheasant contractor to get birds. 

For the week of Oct. 25-31, other Fish and Game regions will be sharing their allotment of pheasants with the Upper Snake and Salmon Region locations.  

Because most pheasant producers already have contracts for the pheasants they raised for fall hunting, there are not enough birds available for purchase to make up for the shortage. 

“This is a really unfortunate situation where we really have no place else to turn to get more pheasants for stocking, and we apologize to hunters and ask their patience and understanding in overcoming this. We deeply regret that this has occurred, and we’re doing our best to fairly distribute the available pheasants throughout the state,” Brower said.

For the weeks of Nov. 1 and Nov. 8, all locations should receive their scheduled number of stocked pheasants. 

For the weeks of Nov. 15 and 22, other stocked pheasant areas across the state will be sharing their allotment of pheasants with the Upper Snake and Salmon Region locations. 

Fish and Game planned to stock 37,000 pheasants for hunters in 2021, and most of those will still be delivered. Fish and Game does not raise pheasants for stocking, so it relies solely on private pheasant producers throughout the state and in neighboring states to supply those birds. 

For information about stocked pheasant locations visit Pheasant Stocking Program webpage.