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Idaho Fish and Game

Tax Checkoff Supports Nongame Species

As tax time approaches, consider supporting the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's nongame program with a voluntary contribution through the state income tax check-off. Fish and Game has always managed nongame wildlife to some degree, but the Nongame Wildlife Program became a reality in July 1982, following legislation that established the state's first income tax check-off on the 1981 income tax form. Most of Idaho's wildlife is not hunted, fished or trapped. The number of Idaho residents participating in wildlife related activities, such as bird and wildlife watching, wildlife photography, bird feeding and conservation education, continues to rise. While this constituency continues to grows, the problem of how to fund the nongame program and meet ever-increasing demands continues. The program gets no money from the sale of hunting or fishing licenses or from the state general fund. The program relies on the income tax check-off, donations, grants and federal funds in addition to the sale of wildlife license plates. To help 85 percent of Idaho's wildlife, consider checking line 36 on the state income tax form to make a contribution.