The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is bringing back a popular Project WILD teacher’s workshop to southeast Idaho, and it’s “flying” in just in time for Thanksgiving. “WILD About Turkeys” is scheduled for Friday, October 27, from 4:00 pm until 9:00 pm, and then most of the day on Saturday, October 28. The workshop will take place in part at the Idaho Fish and Game office in Pocatello, with a field trip and other activities sponsored by the National Wild Turkey Federation to take place in McCammon.
Participants will discover fun and exciting ways to teach wildlife conservation and ecological concepts in the classroom. Plus, WILD About Turkeys is a great way to earn a continuing education credit.
This workshop will focus on everything turkeys! Learn about the biology, ecology, and management of wild turkeys here in Idaho. Participants will get hands on experience with activities, projects, materials, and a variety of educational tools they can take back to the classroom. The highlight of the workshop will be an early morning field trip to see wild turkeys strutting their stuff!
Project WILD workshops such as this one are ideal for all types of educators—schoolteachers (K-12), 4-H leaders, scout leaders, docents, interpreters for zoos, homeschool educators-- anyone who is involved in sharing conservation education with others. And, Project WILD isn’t just for the science educators. Even if you teach math, art, PE, or run the library at your school, there is something for you in Project WILD!
Class fee is $40 plus $60 for the optional university credit through Boise State University or North Nazarene University.
To register online, go to If you need more information about this workshop, please contact Lori Adams, Project WILD Coordinator, at (208) 863-3236 or by email at
This video of a previous turkey workshop tells it all.