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Idaho Fish and Game

Steelhead Anglers Encouraged to Heed Fishing Rules

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game would like to remind anglers of the fall steelhead fishing rules in the lower Clearwater River. "With two states and two rivers all in one small area, the confluence has some seemingly complex regulations," said Larry Barrett, Idaho Fish and Game fishery biologist. "Before going fishing, we just want to remind anglers to review the regulations and be aware of the river boundaries." Fish and Game officials who interview anglers weekly throughout the season, say some anglers apparently are unaware of the following regulations. River Boundaries: A sign on the north shore of the Clearwater River at the confluence marks the mouth of the Clearwater River. A map on page 67 of the current Idaho Fishing Rules brochure shows the Washington-Idaho fishing water boundaries. A recurring problem in the Clearwater River is the rumor that Washington licensed anglers can fish up to the Railroad Bridge. "No part of the Clearwater River is in Washington," said Barrett. "All anglers fishing in the Clearwater River need to be Idaho licensed." Season Opening Dates: Anglers can harvest adipose-fin clipped steelhead in the Clearwater River downstream of the Memorial Bridge in Lewiston beginning August 1, but have to wait until September 1 to harvest steelhead in the Snake River. Bag Limits: The daily bag limit for the fall steelhead season on the Clearwater is two. On the Snake River the limit is three. Anglers with specific questions can contact Fish and Game at 208-799-5010.