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Idaho Fish and Game

Spring Chinook Salmon Season Closes

The spring Chinook salmon season is over in Idaho for this year, but summer Chinook fishing continues. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has closed the spring Chinook fishery at the end of fishing Monday, July 2, on the Upper Snake River from the Dug Bar boat ramp upstream to the Hells Canyon Dam. The Upper Snake River fishery is jointly managed by Oregon and Idaho. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is also closing their Snake River spring Chinook fishery on July 2. A summer Chinook season remains open on the South Fork of the Salmon River until further notice. The river is open seven days a week from the mouth of Goat Creek upstream to a posted boundary about 100 yards downstream of the South Fork Salmon River weir and trap. Fish managers will continue daily assessments and updates. Fishing hours are from a half-hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset, local time daily. Chinook anglers may keep only one fish daily, have three in their possession and keep 10 for the season. The season limit is the total for both spring and summer Chinook. Only Chinook marked with a scar from a clipped adipose fin may be kept. Anglers must stop fishing when they have reached daily, possession or season limits. It is unlawful to take or attempt to take salmon by snagging. They may use only barbless hooks no larger than five-eights of an inch from point to shank. All anglers, except residents younger than 14, must have a valid 2007 Idaho fishing license and salmon permit. Anglers are urged to check the Idaho 2007 Summer Chinook Salmon Seasons and Rules for details.