Hunters have a second chance to draw a Super Hunt tag for the upcoming season.
29 of the 40 Super Hunt tags were drawn in the first drawing in early June. The second Super Hunt drawing has 11 tags.
- 2 Super Hunt elk tags
- 2 Super Hunt deer tags
- 2 Super Hunt pronghorn tags
- 1 Super Hunt moose tag
- 1 Super Hunt Combo with tags for all 4 species
To have a chance at winning a hunt of a lifetime, hunters have until August 10 to enter the second Super Hunt drawing.
Winners can participate in any open hunt in the state for deer, elk, pronghorn or moose with a tag for that species, including general hunts and controlled hunts. Super Hunt tags are in addition to other tags, meaning if you draw a controlled hunt tag or purchase a general season tag, you can still participate in these hunts as well as the Super Hunt.
Money raised by the Super Hunt drawings supports hunters and anglers access to private lands through the Access Yes! program. This program is designed to improve access to or across private land to public land by compensating willing landowners.
Super Hunt entries are $6 each and Super Hunt Combo entries are $20 each. No license is needed to enter either drawing, and there is no limit on the number of times a person can apply.
Hunters may enter the drawings at license vendors, Fish and Game offices, by calling 800-554-8685 or online at Entries can also be mailed to Fish and Game License Section, P.O. Box 25, Boise, ID 83707. Orders must be received at Fish and Game no later than August 10, with winners to be notified by August 15.
As of June 22, 2017, 80 Access Yes! lease agreements have opened 308,365 private acres and 370,995 public acres to hunters and anglers.
For more information, including frequently asked questions and photos of previous winners, visit the Super Hunt page on Fish and Game's website at
For more information about Access Yes, go to