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Idaho Fish and Game

Salmon Fishing to Close Saturday on the Little Salmon

The spring Chinook salmon season on the Little Salmon River from the posted boundary at its mouth upstream to U. S. Highway 95 bridge near Smokey Boulder Road, will close at the end of fishing hours, one hour after sunset on Saturday, June 9. Fishery managers estimate that the harvest target for the recreational fishery share of surplus adult Chinook salmon on the Little Salmon will be met at the end of fishing on June 9. An order closing fishing on the Little Salmon was signed June 5. Fishing remains open until further notice, on these waters:
  • Upper Snake River: From the Dug Bar boat ramp upstream to Hells Canyon Dam.
  • Upper Mainstem Clearwater River: From the Orofino Bridge upstream to the Kamiah Bridge.
  • South Fork Clearwater River: From its mouth upstream to the confluence of American and Red rivers.
  • Lochsa River: From its mouth upstream to the Twin Bridges immediately upstream from the confluence of Crooked Fork and Colt Killed creeks.
Fishery managers will continue to evaluate the fishery on a weekly basis to assess the hatchery run sizes and achievement of harvest targets. Fishing will be permitted from a half hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset, local time. Chinook anglers will be allowed to keep one fish daily, have three in their possession and keep 10 for the season. Anglers must stop fishing when they have reached daily, possession or season limits. They may use only barbless hooks no larger than five-eights of an inch from point to shank. In the Lochsa, salmon may be taken only with artificial flies and lures with one barbless hook each, one hook may have up to three points, and no bait. Only Chinook marked with a scar from a clipped adipose fin may be kept. All anglers, except residents younger than 14, must have a valid 2007 Idaho fishing license and salmon permit. Anglers are reminded that on Free Fishing Day, which is June 9, a license and salmon permit are not required to fish for Chinook salmon in waters that are open for Chinook fishing.