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Idaho Fish and Game

Poacher Claims Trophy Elk

In the cool pre-dawn of August 7th, a magnificent 6 X 7 bull elk moved quietly toward Pass Creek, north of Leslie. Instead of getting a morning drink, the bull met a poacher who killed the elk with one shot. The animal dropped where he stood and was left, untouched, lying in the damp grass. No hunting seasons are currently open in Unit 50 where this elk was shot. The animal was a blatant illegal take. This wildlife crime represents a theft from Idaho's citizens, especially the hunter who was dreaming of bagging a trophy bull in Unit 50 this coming fall. And this is not the first time such an incident has occurred in this area. Two years ago, a 6 X 6 bull elk was also shot and left by another or perhaps the same poacher. Given the time of day that this bull elk was killed, it is likely that the animal was spotlighted. And spotlights are often highly visible. If you saw a spotlight in this area or have any other information regarding this poaching incident, please contact Conservation Officer Dave Silcock at 554-4702 or call the Citizens Against Poaching Hotline at 1-800-632-5999.