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Idaho Fish and Game

New Big Game Rules Now Available

The new big game rules brochures are back from the printer - with some noticeable changes in look and organization. The 2008 big game rules are now available on the Idaho Fish and Game Website at: Hard copies are expected to arrive by mid-April. A number of changes were made this year to improve readability, reduce redundancy, and increase ease of use. Changes include moving hunting seasons toward the front of the book and consolidating the rules toward the back. License requirement and fees are at the very back of the brochure. Fish and Game's goal is to produce brochures that accomplish multiple objectives including: 1. Encouraging folks to participate in hunting, fishing and trapping. 2. Making it easy for hunters and anglers to comply with regulations by making them simple and understandable. 3. Providing the necessary documentation to enforce fish and game rules. One of the noticeable changes is that the regional maps and game management unit descriptions are no longer provided in the brochure. Including regional maps and unit descriptions would have resulted in a larger brochure, and exceeded the available budget. Regional maps were replaced with a single statewide map on pages 78 and 79. Game management unit descriptions are available from: 1. The Fish and Game Website: 2. Administrative Code website: The communications bureau also will be producing hard copies of game management unit descriptions for distribution to regional offices.