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Idaho Fish and Game

Join Fish and Game for Some Fun at the Fair

It is time again for fun at the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot, and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game will join in on the fun by returning to its regular indoor booth in the Agriculture Building. This year's theme for the Fish and Game booth is Be Outside. Children today just don't get outside like they used to. Richard Louv, author of "The Last Child in the Woods," has coined a phrase to describe this disconnect with the outdoors that plagues our children today. He calls it "nature deficit disorder"- a phenomenon that experts say is contributing to the increased occurrences of diabetes, attention disorders, obesity, and other physical and mental maladies in children. Anyone who wants at least 101 different ideas for what to do with the family outdoors, may visit the Be Outside Web site at Or stop by the Fish and Game booth at the fair where we will have information and ideas to share about recreating in the great outdoors, plus we have activity stations for children. And the fish tanks are filled with some of Idaho's favorite aquatic residents - ready for a nose-to-nose experience with you and your family. Fish and Game also has free booth space available to organizations and groups willing to introduce their fun and different ways of being outside. We have three-hour slots available during which you can talk to the public, demonstrate favorite outdoor-themed equipment, show videos, or share activities with children. This will be a chance to let people know what opportunities are out there and how they can learn more about an organization. If you are interested in participating in the booth with Fish and Game, please contact Gregg Losinski at 390-0635 or Jennifer Jackson at 251-9403.