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Idaho Fish and Game

Jawbone Collection Reminder

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is asking hunters to take the lower jaws from female elk and deer to one of several collection sites throughout the state. Hunters are asked to fill out a collection card and attach it to the jaw. This information is being used to determine the age structure of elk and deer populations in Idaho. For more information on collection sites, contact the local Fish and Game regional office. The jaws will be part of an effort to estimate the age structure of certain elk and deer populations across Idaho. "If we can collect enough lower jaws from female elk and deer, we can estimate the age structure of the female segment of several elk and deer populations," said Craig White, wildlife research biologist in the Southwest Region. "That information is critical to better determine the status of these big game populations." Hunters taking female elk or mule deer from units 23, 28, 32, 32A, 33, 34, 35, 36, 36A, 36B, 39, 43, 44, 45 (deer only), 48 (elk only) and 50 are asked to leave the lower jaw from their harvested animal at one of three locations: a Fish and Game check station, Fish and Game regional office or a jaw barrel. Barrels will be placed at strategic points for jaw collection, and information cards will be available at all collection points to record simple information, such as the unit where the animal was killed. For information on the big game age structure study, contact the Fish and Game Southwest Region in Nampa at 208-465-8465 or in McCall at 208-634-8137; The Magic Valley Region in Jerome at 208-324-4359; or Salmon Region in Salmon at 208-756-2271.