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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game News Available

Just in time for the official delisting of gray wolves in Idaho, the Idaho Fish and Game News quarterly tabloid is now available at license vendors and Fish and Game offices statewide. This issue is a special report on wolves and wolf management in Idaho when they are no longer under the protection of the federal Endangered Species Act. "It is in our collective best interest to properly manage wolves along with all other big game," writes Fish and Game Commissioner Gary Power of Salmon in his analysis of Idaho's track record of managing predators. Other articles detail what Idaho biologists have learned from 11 years of living with wolves, how Idaho will manage delisted wolves and public attitudes toward predator management. It also includes a summary from lead wolf recovery manager Ed Bangs of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, plus the surprising fate of a wolf trapped as a juvenile in the mountains northeast of Boise in 2006. It wraps up with a timeline that tracks wolf recovery from the endangered species listing in 1974 to the delisting announcement that takes effect Monday, May 4. The eight-page Fish and Game News is provided free of charge to the public.