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Idaho Fish and Game

Fires May Affect Some Hunter Access

Several new fires, in addition to large fires already burning in Idaho's backcountry, have blocked access to some hunt units. In the interest of public safety the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management have closed public access in some areas. Other areas may be closed as fires grow or new fires start. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will not close any hunts or change season dates in response to fire restrictions. But the department will accommodate hunters unable to participate because of fire. Hunters whose hunting area was inaccessible because of fire closures during the entire hunting season may submit a written request for a refund or rain check to the Fish and Game License Section at the end of the season. The request must include details of the situation and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The only up front option for hunters is to voluntarily exchange a controlled hunt tag for a general tag in another area before the season opens. Hunters are encouraged to use their licenses and tags this year. Many areas not affected by fires are open for hunting and many seasons are long. In conjunction with the Idaho Department of Lands policy, Fish and Game will prohibit open fires and campfires on all Fish and Game public access sites in Southwest Idaho, effective after midnight August 31, until the order is otherwise rescinded. Hunters, as well as anyone else heading into the backcountry, are advised to check with Forest Service Ranger District offices before heading out. For information and maps of Forest Service closures and hunt units go to: For road closure updates contact: ¥ Boise County Sheriff at 208-392-4411. ¥ Valley County Sheriff at 208-382-7150. ¥ Elmore County Sheriff at 208-587-2121.