Idaho Fish and Game is seeking members of the public to volunteer to serve on a Citizens Shooting Range Advisory Committee, which will be responsible for providing input about public shooting range grant applications annually.
Fish and Game is encouraging members of the public who actively use shooting ranges and are familiar with the elements for safe public shooting ranges in their community to consider applying for the Committee. Fish and Game’s intent is that the Committee will represent of a diversity of shooting opportunities that includes hunters, recreational and competitive shooters.
The Committee will be most active during February – March, consistent with the shooting range grant cycle. Fish and Game will provide facilitation and logistical support to the Committee, which will be administered consistent with Idaho’s Open Meeting procedures.
People interested in applying for a position on the Citizens Shooting Advisory Committee must fill out and submit an application by Oct. 30, 2020. Information is available on Fish and Game’s Citizen Shooting Range Advisory Committee webpage.
The term of the volunteer assignment to the Citizen Shooting Range Advisory Committee is one year, but the Fish and Game Director can consider additional terms. Emphasis for membership is on representation from each Fish and Game Region, not to exceed seven total committee members.
The Citizens Shooting Advisory Committee was created as a part of Idaho House Bill 396, which passed in 2020. The law created a new Public Shooting Range Fund, which is administered by the Fish and Game Commission. The Public Shooting Range Fund incorporates the financial resources previously used by Fish and Game for shooting range grants. The committee was created to advise Fish and Game about the applications the agency solicits each year for these grants.
Idaho Fish and Game has been funding shooting range grants to non-profit shooting organizations and State and local governments that own or manage shooting ranges, including archery ranges, for several years. The funds come from federal manufacturer excise taxes collected on the sales of firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment and from state fine and forfeiture monies remitted for wildlife crimes.