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Idaho Fish and Game

Commission Sets Season on Salmon River South Fork

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission Monday, June 18, adopted a summer Chinook salmon fishing season on the Mainstem South Fork of the Salmon River to start Thursday, June 28. The Commission adopted Idaho Fish and Game staff recommendations for a seven-day-per-week fishing season that would run until notice of closure. The river is open from the mouth of Goat Creek upstream to a posted boundary about 100 yards downstream of the South Fork Salmon River weir and trap. Fisheries managers will continue to assess the run and issue updates. The only spring Chinook fishery that remains open is on the Upper Snake River from the Dug Bar boat ramp upstream to Hells Canyon Dam, where fishing remains open Fridays through Mondays only until further notice. Because of the different run timing of the summer Chinook in the South Fork Salmon River, a seven-day-a-week fishery is more efficient to monitor and manage than a four day a week season, such as occurred in the spring Chinook fishery. It also provides anglers more sustained fishing opportunities. Fishery managers' estimate for McCall hatchery summer Chinook adults crossing Lower Granite Dam is 1,800 to 2,200. The hatchery broodstock goal for this run is 1,300 adults. The state's non-tribal share of the surplus available for sport anglers is 250 to 450 fish. Fishing hours are from a half-hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset, local time. Chinook anglers will be allowed to keep one fish daily, have three in their possession and keep 10 for the season. The limit is statewide and includes limits from previous and ongoing Chinook fisheries during 2007 season. Anglers must stop fishing when they have reached daily, possession or season limits. It is unlawful to take or attempt to take salmon by snagging. They may use only barbless hooks no larger than five-eights of an inch from point to shank. Only Chinook marked with a scar from a clipped adipose fin may be kept. All anglers, except residents younger than 14, must have a valid 2007 Idaho fishing license and salmon permit. Anglers are urged to check the Idaho 2007 Summer Chinook Salmon Seasons and Rules, available at Fish and Game offices and license vendors, for details.