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Idaho Fish and Game

Ask the Conservation Officer (CO)

by Gary Hompland, Regional Conservation Officer Question: "I'm struggling with the fishing regulations for a section of stream I'm thinking about fishing. I can't find the stream listed in the brochure. What's the fishing season for trout in Deep Creek west of Buhl?" Answer: In order to understand the fishing brochure you must first understand the general philosophy of how it's organized and then look for the exceptions to the rule. The fishing brochure lists general fishing rules near the beginning of the brochure. The general fishing rules apply to most areas in Idaho. This section of the brochure is broken into lakes and reservoirs, rivers and streams, and irrigation ditches and canals. Under "General Seasons" in the brochure Idaho's lakes and reservoirs and irrigation ditches and canals are open for fishing year around. Rivers and streams are open from Memorial Day weekend through the end of November. Areas that deviate from the general seasons are organized by Fish and Game administrative region and listed alphabetically in the brochure. Additionally, you can go to the back of the brochure and use the index which lists all the exceptions to general fishing rules statewide. A word to the wise would be to search the entire regional list for exceptions because some waters are referred to by many names. There are also a few rules that change depending on where along the stream you're fishing. Deep Creek is a good example. If you search through the stream exceptions for the Magic Valley you will not find Deep Creek. However; if you look at a general exception listing for Twin Falls County, you will note all streams in Twin Falls County north of the Highline Canal and between Murtaugh Lake and Salmon Falls Creek are open to fishing year around. A quick look at a map of the Magic Valley shows that portion of Deep Creek north of the Highline Canal is within the Twin Falls county area listed as open for fishing year around. I suggest you begin by looking for your fishing area in the special rules section. If after a thorough review of the special rules areas you are unable to locate the water you are interested in, then general seasons would apply. If you're still unsure you can always contact a regional office for assistance. I urge all anglers and hunters to read the Fish and Game brochures from cover to cover. Understanding the general philosophy of how the brochures are organized greatly improves your ability to locate and understand specific rules. If you have any further questions you may call the Magic Valley Regional Office of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game at (208)324-4350 or e-mail us at the Fish and Game web site at