Hunting pheasants on Fish and Game's wildlife management areas is a popular fall tradition for upland bird hunters. To support this tradition, pen-raised pheasants are stocked on nine WMAs beginning in September and continuing into December.
The pheasant stocking program provides additional opportunity across southern Idaho.
The pheasant stocking schedule shows how many birds will be released at your favorite WMA. Exact release times and dates are not published in order to give everyone a fair chance of harvesting a pheasant.
On busy areas such as Fort Boise, Montour and Sterling WMAs, most birds are often harvested within a day or two of being released. On C.J. Strike WMA, some stocked birds usually survive a little longer, but hunters will have to work through heavy cover to find them.
The birds are a bargain if you choose to hunt them. WMA pheasant hunters must purchase a WMA pheasant permit, which entitles the holder to six roosters. The pheasant bag limit on WMAs is two roosters a day.
WMA upland game hunters must also wear at least 36 square inches of visible hunter orange above the waist while hunting roosters on a WMA (a hunter orange hat meets this requirement).
Complete WMA hunting rules for pheasants can be found on page 13 of the Idaho Upland Game, Turkey & Furbearer rule book. Printed booklets are available at most license vendors.