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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Idfg Announces Fish Regulation Scoping Meetings For Upper Snake Region

| idfg-staff

IDAHO FALLS - While most everyone has been focusing on snow pack levels and rain gauges to help predict what the future holds for local agriculture and fish interests, IDFG fish biologists have been taking a step back and surveying the future big picture for local rivers and lakes. Biologists would like to share their… more

Spring Chinook Seasons Open Soon

| idfg-staff

Meeting by conference call April 3, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission voted to open seasons for spring chinook salmon April 12 on the mainstem and north fork of the Clearwater River. The season on the lower Salmon River and Little Salmon River will open April 26. "This run is early, and the majority of them are three… more

Hatchery Salmon Seasons Slated

| idfg-staff

Break out the heavy tackle. Another salmon season is nearly here. Meeting via conference call this week, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved hatchery salmon fishing seasons on the Clearwater, Lower Salmon and Little Salmon Rivers. The Clearwater River is slated to open on April 12, with both the Lower… more

IDFG Looking For Landowners And Sportsmen To Be Involved With New Access Yes Program

| idfg-staff

IDAHO FALLS - In these tight budget times it might seem hard to believe that IDFG is launching a new program, but old dollars are finding a new use today to prevent access problems tomorrow. The pilot access program, Access Yes, currently being implemented will make use of existing funds initially, but as the program… more

Access YES Program Launched

| idfg-staff

Idahoans will have more places to hunt this coming fall as a pilot program aimed at providing access to private and public lands begins. Named Access Yes, the new program will be operated by Fish and Game with the support of the Idaho Department of Agriculture. Initial funding for access contracts with landowners will… more

Access Yes

| idfg-staff

Access Yes To Provide Sporting Access Access Yes is a new Fish and Game program designed to open more private land to hunting and fishing in Idaho. The Fish and Game Commission approved it last month and the word went out to get started finding access for sportsmen statewide. Hopefully it will grow into… more

TV Show Has Regional Flavor

| idfg-staff

Tired of Commercials on TV, not enough outdoor shows on about wildlife and fishing in our area? Turn to Channel 11 and catch the hour-long outdoor show called "Your Fish And Game Outdoors". The hour long show features capturing and tagging sturgeon below American Falls Dam. Biologists David Teucher divulges… more

Swans Visit Southeast Idaho

| idfg-staff

Swans Stop Over In Southeast Idaho Springtime is here and swans have returned to Swanlake, Idaho. Living up to its name, the lake currently hosts over 150 swans and several thousands ducks and geese. It is alive with quacks, honks, whistles, wing flapping and birds anxious to head north. Swan Lake is 48… more

Annual Fur Auction Set for April 12

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will be auctioning furs, hides, antlers, traps and miscellaneous hunting and fishing equipment at the Clearwater Regional Office, 1540 Warner Avenue, in Lewiston on Saturday, April 12. Auction items include furs, whole carcasses, antlers, and skulls of elk, moose, deer, black… more

Chinook Migrations Running Both Ways

| idfg-staff

Young chinook produced by the big adult return to Idaho in 2001 have started their journey to the ocean. Biologists estimate that as many as 51,900 female spring and summer chinook may have spawned in Snake Basin tributaries in 2001 compared to the 1990-2000 average of 4,750 females. Most of them spawned in the… more

April is Month for Trophy Species Applications

| idfg-staff

April is the month for applying to draw for moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat hunts. Applications for these controlled hunts will be accepted through April 30. Hunters may apply at Fish and Game offices or license vendors and can apply using a credit card by telephone or over the Internet. Telephone… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. I'm hearing that steelhead fishing has been really good this spring. How much time do I have before the season ends? A. Spring steelhead fishing has been surprisingly good with some areas recently down to an average of a couple of hours per fish. Any time the average is below 20 per fish, we think it is worth… more

Mild Winter Allows Agencies To Accelerate Opening Of Egin Hamer Closure Area

| idfg-staff

IDAHO FALLS- Everyone knows that April 1 is "April Fools Day," but this year local resource management agencies want everyone to know that the entire Egin-Hamer Area Closure will really be opening early this year! What might seem even more unbelievable is that since the Idaho Fish… more

Special Dry Bed Salvage Season Set To Start On April 1st, But Limits Still Apply!

| idfg-staff

IDAHO FALLS - The coming of Spring means different things to different people. To some it's an opportunity to get out and work in their yards. For others it a chance to head out towards Ririe and see if they can bag up some fish for dinner and the freezer. No fancy angling here, just plain old harvesting. Because of… more

Rainbow Trout Stocking Report

| idfg-staff

Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatchery will be releasing more than 5,500 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during April: Boise River (Boise) - 500 Boise River (Eagle to Middleton) - 200 Caldwell Pond #1 - 200 Caldwell Pond #2 - 200 Ed's Ponds (Emmett) - 200 Marsing Pond - 300 Mill… more

Annual Fur Auction Scheduled For April 12 In Lewiston

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will be auctioning furs, hides, antlers, traps and miscellaneous hunting and fishing equipment at the Clearwater Regional Office, 1540 Warner Avenue, in Lewiston on Saturday, April 12. Auction items include furs, whole carcasses, antlers, and skulls of elk, moose,… more

Drought May Have a Silver Lining

| idfg-staff

There just may be some unexpected good in this drought year, if everything comes together just right in a contingency plan to rebuild the fishery in Lake Cascade. Fish and Game has been meeting with state and federal agencies to determine under what conditions the populations of trout and perch could be rebuilt. Lake… more

The Kootenai River Eco-challenge!

| idfg-staff

Imagine yourself fishing in a river where every cast you threw out produced a rise from a hungry trout. Now imagine that this place is in your own back yard here in northern Idaho. Some of you can remember when this was the case for the Kootenai River. The Kootenai is home to fish species such as white sturgeon,… more