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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Forest Service to start prescribed fires in August to improve Clearwater elk habitat

| idfg-rphillips

The North Fork and Lochsa-Powell Ranger Districts of the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests recently announced plans for annual summer prescribed fire projects beginning mid-August when weather and fuel conditions are optimal to acheive management objectives while minimizing smoke in surrounding… more

Wild Salmon Move All Year Long

| idfg-tcopeland

Salmon were made to move and they start while very young. In Idaho, baby salmon start spreading out soon after hatching out from their gravel nests in early spring to find good habitat. Some roam in summer looking for food and shelter. Here is a fish eye view of what that looks like. Many head downstream  in… more

Idaho Fish and Game selects partner to construct new headquarters building in Boise

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game is pleased to announce the Idaho Fish… more

Commission approves proposals for nonresident fees, wolf trapping and permits for stocked pheasants

| idfg-rphillips

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission on Monday, Aug. 12, approved two legislative proposals to advance for Governor’s Office review: a) increasing nonresident license and tag fees and b) establishing Commission authority to designate locations other than WMAs to stock pheasants and require an Upland Game Bird Permit to… more

Fish and Game Commission meeting Aug. 22 in Nampa

| idfg-bpearson

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 22 at the Nampa Regional Office, located at 15950 North Gate Blvd. The meeting is open to the public, and will be preceded by a 10:45 a.m. ribbon cutting outside of the the new regional office building.

Major items that commissioners are… more

Kokanee fishing picking up in Lake Pend Oreille

| idfg-mcorsi

The late summer kokanee fishing has been heating up recently on Lake Pend Oreille. This comes as a nice surprise because Fish and Game biologists were expecting kokanee to be abundant, but also on the small side, and kokanee smaller than about 8-inches long tend to be hard to catch. When fish get over 8 inches and… more

Caldwell Ponds to Close for Angler Use Improvements

| idfg-eoneale

More suitable gamefish habitat and fewer aquatic weeds are the goals of a renovation project set to begin in late August at Caldwell Ponds. The five-year gravel extraction project will result in one larger, deeper pond and subsequent better fishing conditions for pond anglers.

Upon project completion… more

Salmon River No Barrier to Wandering Wolverine

| idfg-devansmack

With all the trail cameras in the woods these days, it’s hard for even a rare animal to go unnoticed. And if you’re a wolverine sporting white feet instead of brown, you can bet you’ll get attention. A biologist with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game discovered a very distinctive-looking wolverine on a series of… more

F&G seeks angler input on proposed Clearwater fall Chinook season

| idfg-mkoenig

Fish and Game fisheries managers are considering expanding fall Chinook salmon fishing in the Clearwater River, and they're gathering public comments about the proposal. Deadline to comment is Aug. 18 at 6 p.m. MDT. 

There have been discussions on how to provide this fishery without negatively impacting the… more

PotlatchDeltic places fire restrictions on its property

| idfg-rphillips

PotlatchDeltic Corporation announced in late July that no campfires or open burning will be allowed on its Idaho property due to increasing fire danger in the region.

The burning ban on PotlatchDeltic’s Idaho properties will remain in effect until conditions improve. Additional information about PotlatchDeltic… more

Bighorn sheep lottery tag raised over $109,000 for sheep research and management

| idfg-bpearson

For the Arizona hunter whose ticket was pulled for the 28th Annual Bighorn Sheep Tag Lottery, it represents the hunt of a lifetime. For the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, it means more than $109,000 in funding will benefit wild sheep conservation in Idaho.

The lucky winner of the 2019 Bighorn Sheep… more

Hunters still have a second chance at big game controlled hunt tags and Super Hunt tags

| idfg-mdemick

Hunters who were unsuccessful in the first drawing for big game controlled hunts still have a chance at over 2,540 tags available in the second controlled hunt drawing.

There are 1,123 tags for deer, 1,259 tags for elk, 127 for pronghorn, and 34 for black bear available. A list of tags by hunt number is… more

Wolf trapper certification course scheduled Aug. 31 in Salmon

| idfg-mdemick

Trappers are reminded that Idaho rules require trappers to successfully complete a Wolf Trapper certification course before they can purchase wolf trapping tags.

A wolf trapper certification course will be held in Salmon Saturday, August 31 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fish and Game office, 99 Highway 93 North… more

Clear Springs Foods donates giant trout to anglers in Challis and Salmon

| idfg-mdemick

Few things can match the sheer excitement of catching a giant trout.

Anglers in Challis and Salmon can now catch this excitement, as Clear Springs Foods recently donated 1,400 giant hatchery trout to be stocked in local fishing ponds.

Over 160 super-sized trout, which average 9.5 pounds, were… more

2019 second controlled hunt drawing information (now closed)

| idfg-bstuder

The following tags were available for application for the 2019 second controlled hunt drawing: 1123 tags for deer, 1259 tags for elk, 127 for pronghorn, and 34 for black bear. Drawing results will be released by Aug. 25. 

The application period is now closed.

Options to… more

First sockeye of 2019 arrives at Stanley

| idfg-bpearson

The first sockeye of 2019 returned to the Redfish Lake Creek trap near Stanley on Aug. 2. The first sockeye arrived on July 26 last year, and July 27 in 2017.

The fish is among the 53 sockeye that have so far crossed Lower Granite Dam near Lewiston (through Aug. 1), which is the last dam the fish cross before… more

Still time to catch kokanee at Dworshak Reservoir

| idfg-swilson

There’s no better place to be on a hot summer day than out on the lake. If you haven’t been kokanee fishing on Dworshak Reservoir yet, you’re missing out. The kokanee are large, and fairly plentiful. During our trawl survey on July 29, the adult kokanee we caught were typically 12 inches long, with some as big as 13… more

How to fish Alpine lakes: planning your trip length

| idfg-mkoenig

Fishing alpine lakes is a great reason to strap on a backpack and hit the trail. There’s nothing quite like the experience of catching a trout in Idaho’s backcountry, but with more than 1,000 high mountain lakes that hold fish in Idaho, deciding on a destination can seem daunting.… more