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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Website Maintenance Will Result in Weekend Disruption

| Anonymous (not verified)

Fish and Game's main website will be temporarily unavailable on September 26- 28 for hardware upgrades that will ultimately lead to a better more user-friendly site. While some of the information and services of the website will not be available, some of the most popular information and applications will remain… more

Info on Crow Creek Poaching Sought

| Anonymous (not verified)

Fish and Game officers are investigating a mule deer buck that was shot by a rifle and left to waste. The buck was found along the Crow Creek Road, near the Sage Creek bridge in Caribou County, Idaho. It was shot either late Thursday, September 11th or early on Friday, September 12th. No attempt was made to harvest any… more

Saturday is National Hunting and Fishing Day

| Anonymous (not verified)

No state general fund money is budgeted to manage wildlife in Idaho. Hunters and anglers fund the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) through their purchases of licenses and by paying federal excise taxes on hunting and fishing equipment. To recognize the contributions hunters and anglers have made for the… more

Governor Otter Announces $40m Settlement with BPA

| Anonymous (not verified)

The Bonneville Power Administration will give Fish and Game $40m for habitat and access. Read the governor's news release here:

Working to Restore Aspen

| Anonymous (not verified)

SWAN VALLEY - The natural world is always changing. The term that biologists use to describe this process is called succession. Whenever man gets involved with nature, succession is altered in some fashion. Often the impact of man's involvement is not known immediately and may take decades to become evident. In the… more

Your Help Needed to Catch Poacher Near Stanley

| Anonymous (not verified)

Officers in the Salmon Region need your help with a spike elk that was shot and wasted within the last two weeks. The elk was found off of the Cape Horn Road by the Camp Bradley Boy scout Camp near Stanley. The elk had been gutted and covered up with freshly cut trees. A broad head was found deep in its neck. No meat… more

75th Celebration: Enforcement Tools & Training

| Anonymous (not verified)

It's a long road from applicant to Senior Conservation Officer. Back in the day, game wardens were appointed by the State Game Warden. With no formal training and armed only with a love of outdoor activities, theses appointed "protectors" ventured off to help sportsmen catch poachers and protect wildlife. Today it… more

Snake River Sockeye Return Sets Record

| Anonymous (not verified)

Fish and Game's effort to save Snake River sockeye salmon from extinction is proving to be a success, as the number of sockeye returning to Idaho has set a new modern day record. On September 11, the number of sockeye trapped at Redfish Lake surpassed the record of 1381 trapped in 1956. This is the second milestone… more

Ask Fish & Game: Citizens Against Poaching

| Anonymous (not verified)

Q: Does Citizens Against Poaching really pay people who report poachers? A: Absolutely! Citizens Against Poaching received hundreds of calls in 2013 resulting in the issuance of 162 citations. The people who reported those 162 cases shared nearly $20,000 in reward money.

Elk Poached Near Thorn Creek Reservoir

| Anonymous (not verified)

Idaho Department of Fish and Game officers are investigating a spike elk that was shot and left near Thorn Creek Reservoir. No attempt was made to salvage meat or antlers. This incident occurred on or before September 15, in Unit 52. People with information leading to a conviction on these or other crimes are… more

Three East Idaho Men Charged with Felony Wildlife Violations

| Anonymous (not verified)

On August 28, 2014, the Bingham County Prosecuting Attorney's Office filed thirteen separate Idaho Department of Fish and Game felony charges against three east Idaho men. Robert D. Huntsman, 54, of Shelley, Idaho, was charged with the unlawful possession of two trophy bull elk, a third bull elk, and one pronghorn… more

Rose Lake Launch Work Begins

| Anonymous (not verified)

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) Rose Lake boat launch and picnic area was temporarily closed to public access on September 18. The closure is needed for public safety during site improvement work, and the facility will be re-opened in mid-November. The project was initially planned for last spring,… more

All Hunters and Anglers Required to Stop at Check Stations

| Anonymous (not verified)

As hard as it is to believe, summer is already coming to a close. Even harder to believe is that several Idaho hunting seasons have already opened. Throughout the deer and elk seasons, Idaho Fish and Game (IDFG) will be running check stations to collect data on hunter and angler success. Idaho Code requires that "… more

75th Celebration: Wildlife Under the Microscope

| Anonymous (not verified)

Imagine, thousands of dead waterfowl on American Falls Reservoir. Bighorn sheep falling sick in Hells Canyon. Dead deer scattered across fields in North Idaho. Toads and salamanders dying in several ponds. Ailing fish struggling in a hatchery raceway. Why is this happening? What is going on? These images provide a… more

Hunters Take Advantage of Second Tag Discount

| Anonymous (not verified)

Many hunters eagerly looking forward to their autumn adventures in Idaho are choosing to double their opportunity this year. Second tags for deer and elk are selling steadily after the Fish and Game Commission reduced prices for 2014. While some may be choosing to wait to see if they are successful with their first… more

Upland Game Bird Info Available on Web

| Anonymous (not verified)

Hunters preparing for the upcoming bird season are excited as seasons for many upland game bird species open Saturday September 20. Upland game bird hunters will find varying conditions across Idaho in the fall of 2014, but generally speaking, upland bird populations are holding steady. In some regions, like the… more

How to Legally Recover Roadkill

| Anonymous (not verified)

As temperatures cool, people driving the highways of Idaho are encountering more collisions with wild game. So if you see an animal that has been killed by a car, can you take it home? The answer is yes, but there are some guidelines to follow: - Before you claim any roadkill salvage, consider the safety of yourself… more

Ask Fish & Game: Wild Turkey Permits

| Anonymous (not verified)

Q: If I did not fill my wild turkey permit in the spring, can I use it this fall? A: Yes. A general wild turkey tag is valid for spring and fall seasons. It can also be used during spring or fall controlled hunts with the purchase of a controlled hunt permit. If the general tag is not used to harvest a turkey in the… more