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Idaho Fish and Game

Info on Crow Creek Poaching Sought

Anonymous (not verified)
Fish and Game officers are investigating a mule deer buck that was shot by a rifle and left to waste. The buck was found along the Crow Creek Road, near the Sage Creek bridge in Caribou County, Idaho. It was shot either late Thursday, September 11th or early on Friday, September 12th. No attempt was made to harvest any part of the animal and the meat had spoiled by the time it was discovered. With the evidence that was gathered from the scene, a good tip from the public might be all that is needed to close this case. Anyone with information related to this crime is encouraged to contact the Citizens against Poaching (CAP) hotline at 1-800-632-5999, the Caribou County Sheriff's Office at 208-547-2561 or Idaho Fish and Game Officer Cody Allen 208-251-4506. Callers will not be asked to reveal their identity and will be eligible for a reward.