Press Releases and Articles
Hayden Lake Sportsman's Park access site will be closed for maintenance August 9 through 11
| idfg-tjross
Sportsman's Park access site on Hayden Lake will be closed to all public access August 9 through 11. Fish and Game will be seal coating and re-striping the asphalt parking lot at this site. These are routine maintenance activities that are necessary to extend the life of the asphalt parking lot. The work will be… more
Which deer tag is right for you?
| idfg-aevans
You’ve passed your hunter education course and bought your hunting license. You want to venture into deer hunting. If you are new to hunting, choosing the right deer tag may seem a bit overwhelming. Flipping through the 2021 Idaho Big Game Seasons and Rules booklet, you will find that deer seasons and tag… more
Grizzly bear captured and relocated after livestock depredation near Island Park Reservoir
| idfg-jbrower
On Aug. 3, an adult male grizzly was captured and relocated after USDA Wildlife Services officials determined the bear had killed a yearling domestic bull on a grazing allotment near Island Park Reservoir. A culvert trap was placed at the kill site on Aug. 2, and Wildlife Services was … more
American bullfrog provides unusual fishing fun and a tasty treat
| idfg-vosborn
Brandon Flack’s day job is regional wildlife biologist and he manages the C.J. Strike Wildlife Management Area in southern Idaho. In his free time he’s hunting or fishing, and packs the family freezer with elk, deer, bear, waterfowl and all kinds of fish. Recently he added a new fare to the family dinner table – the… more
F&G needs hunters' help to monitor for CWD and prevent it from entering Idaho
| idfg-rphillips
Chronic Wasting Disease is a threat to Idaho’s big game animals, and Fish and Game needs to prevent it from entering the state and monitor for it within the state. CWD is a contagious and fatal neurological disease that affects deer, elk, and moose in North America. There is no live test or known cure… more
Edson Fichter Nature Area in Pocatello vandalized again
| idfg-jjackson
Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking information regarding another round of graffiti vandalism at the Edson Fichter Nature Area in Pocatello. This recent incident occurred sometime around July 27.
This is the third time in four months the popular recreation area has been hit with spray paint--… more
Henrys Lake Quarterly Newsletter - July 2021
| idfg-jvincent
Henrys Lake Quarterly Newsletter
July 2021… more
Wolf trapper education classes coming to southeast and east Idaho
| idfg-jjackson
Wolf trapper education classes are being offered by Idaho Fish and Game in the Southeast, Upper Snake, and Salmon Regions in August. Online registration is now open!
Here’s what you need to know if you wish to take a class.
Anyone intending to trap wolves in Idaho must attend wolf trapper education… moreAugust notices for Farragut Public Shooting Range
| idfg-tjross
Sections of Farragut Public Shooting Range will be closed to general public use on the following dates and times:
50 Yard Range closure:
Friday, August 20 from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 28 from 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
100 Yard Range closure:
Sunday, August 22 from 9:00… more
Challis ranchers team up with biologists to keep bighorn sheep healthy
| idfg-vosborn
For over a century bighorn sheep in Idaho and across western North America have suffered periodic and deadly outbreaks of pneumonia. Once infected, the bacteria causing pneumonia can remain in the herds and cause disease for decades. An outbreak in the Salmon River bighorn sheep populations in the late 1980s still… more
Jack Chinook salmon stocked in Hayden Pond
| idfg-mdemick
Personnel from Idaho Fish and Game's Sawtooth Hatchery released 75 jack Chinook salmon in Hayden Pond on Wednesday, July 28.
Jack Chinook salmon are less than 24 inches in length, and are considered in the trout bag limit when stocked in ponds. The trout daily bag limit is six (6), all species… more
F&G wants your take on proposed changes to fishing rules
| idfg-mkoenig
Idaho Fish and Game is asking for public comment on potential changes for the update of the fishing regulations booklet for next the three-year cycle (2022-2024). Anglers can find a complete list of the proposals and their explanations on the Fish and Game website on the “Public Comment” webpage. Comments will be… more
Mountain Goat Gender Identification
| idfg-staff
It is difficult to distinguish between male (billy) and female (nanny) mountain goats. There is no regulation requiring hunters to take only billies. However, female mountain goats accompanied by kids may NOT be taken.
Hunters are strongly encouraged to… more
Last call: Buy your 2021 big game controlled hunt tags by Aug. 1 or lose them
| idfg-bpearson
If you are a hunter who was successful in the 2021 controlled hunt drawing, don't forget to purchase your controlled hunt tag by Aug. 1.
Successful applicants must purchase their controlled hunt tags by 11:59 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Aug. 1 or their tags will be forfeited. All unclaimed tags, along with… more
Dworshak Reservoir fishing update
| idfg-swilson
Abundant kokanee have fueled exceptional fishing at Dworshak Reservoir this year. In June, catch rates were just under two fish per hour for the kokanee fishery, which is as good as we have seen. As expected with high abundance, kokanee are smaller than average this year. The average size of kokanee in the creel… more
Panhandle Region fish stocking schedule for August
| idfg-tjross
Time to grab your fishing gear and enjoy summer while it lasts! Fish and Game staff will be stocking over 3,500 catchable-size (10 to 12 inch) trout at the following locations across the Panhandle Region in August. All stocked fish are rainbow trout.
Body of… more
Recreationists can help reduce conflicts on Idaho Fish and Game properties
| idfg-nmerz
With summer in full swing, the desire to get outside and enjoy all Idaho has to offer grows strong. With a renewed recreation focus and a growing population, publicly accessible lands in North Idaho are seeing a lot of use. These publicly available lands fall under many different ownerships, ranging from federal… more
Craig Mountain WMA road closures as of 7/27/21
| idfg-jbruns
Idaho Fish and Game, Nez Perce County Sheriff’s Office and Idaho Department of Lands would like to remind public that the Snake River Complex is still an active fire. Primarily, everything south of Waha Rd/Redbird Rd is limited to local traffic only; ingress and egress to homeowners and fire personnel. This includes… more