Idaho Fish and Game, Nez Perce County Sheriff’s Office and Idaho Department of Lands would like to remind public that the Snake River Complex is still an active fire. Primarily, everything south of Waha Rd/Redbird Rd is limited to local traffic only; ingress and egress to homeowners and fire personnel. This includes Soldiers Meadow, Zaza, Stage Coach and Deer Creek Rds. We ask recreationists to avoid the area until the scene is deemed safe and personnel have left the area.
Recreational and 4 wheeler vehicles should avoid traveling in those areas, due to continuing fire operations. No traveling in, around, or adjacent to the fire perimeter area of any kind. We understand that Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area is a unique and special place to many local recreationists, we will notify public as soon as road restrictions are lifted.
Contact the Nez Perce County Sheriff’s Office | Facebook page or Clearwater regional office for more information (208) 799-5010. Thank you for your continued cooperation.