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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Short Bass Cost Utah Man Hunt/Fish Privileges

| idfg-staff

A Utah man will have the next three years to ponder the bargain that is a $26 fishing license. Christopher Berry, 31, of Hill Air Force Base won't be able to fish or hunt in Idaho for the next three years and must pay $894 in fines, court costs and civil penalties, as well as forfeit two sturgeon rods following a… more

Wildlife Mothers Know Best

| idfg-staff

By Jennifer Jackson, Regional Conservation Educator dnd James Rich, for IDFG Glorious summer weather is great for everyone, including Idaho's wildlife. This is the time of year when baby birds are learning to fly, mule deer does are dropping fawns, and elk and moose calves are walking on shaky little legs. Camping… more

The Rainbows of C.J.

| idfg-staff

By Joe Kozfkay, Fisheries Biologist, Southwest Region Mention the possibility of going fishing at C.J. Strike Reservoir to any of Idaho's multi-species anglers and their head may explode. Too many possibilities and often just too little time! Should you cast small jigs in the tulies for crappie and bluegill, or… more

South Fork Salmon Season Set

| idfg-nnokkentved

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission in a telephone conference call on the morning of the first day of summer, June 22, adopted a summer Chinook salmon season on the South Fork of the Salmon River, starting June 29. The commissioners also agreed to close the spring Chinook season on the Lower Salmon River two days early at… more

IDFG Takes Action Against Stationary Migratory Waterfowl

| idfg-glosinski

IDAHO FALLS - Everyone knows that the ducks and geese fly south for the winter and then head back north in the spring. That's just what migratory waterfowl are supposed to do. Unfortunately, Idaho Falls is like many communities across the nation where a population of these birds has found a comfortable niche and… more

Governor Supports Sockeye Program

| idfg-nnokkentved

Idaho Gov. Jim Risch June 14 called for a greater effort to recover endangered sockeye salmon that migrate to spawn in central Idaho's Redfish Lake. "It would not be the policy of this administration to abandon the recovery of sockeye salmon, Risch told the Northwest Power Planning Council. His comments came in… more

Conservation Officers Honored

| idfg-nnokkentved

Idaho Fish and Game conservation officers Marshall Haynes and Barry Cummings are the 2006 recipients of the agency's Conservation Officer of the Year award. Two conservation officers are honored with this award each year. Southwest Region District Conservation Officer Bill London nominated Haynes, whose patrol… more

Nature Center Gets New Fish

| idfg-nnokkentved

Only a few hours from the river and still full of energy from their spawning drive, four full-grown Chinook salmon arrived at the MK Nature Center Thursday afternoon, June 16. The four fish, each about three feet long, came by truck from the Rapid River Hatchery near Riggins, where they were trapped upon their return… more

Ask Fish and Game:

| idfg-nnokkentved

Q. Is it legal for American Indians to sell fresh salmon even after the season has closed? A. Yes. When salmon returns are estimated, the fishable surplus after hatchery needs are met is split between sport anglers and tribes. Sport anglers must follow state Fish and Game rules. The tribes have their own fishing… more

Noxious Weeds - A Growing Problem

| idfg-staff

By John Nelson - IDFG Sr. Wildlife Technician, Clearwater Region Every outdoor enthusiast has encountered noxious weeds on their outdoor excursions. Whether wading through Yellow Starthistle, hunting upland game or looking for grass for elk-packing stock and finding only knapweed, hunters know how annoying weeds can… more

Area Trout Fishing Provides Great Family Adventures

| idfg-lfrench

LEWISTON - Taking a kid fishing is a wonderful way to spend time together outdoors, and with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game recently stocking several area waters with rainbow trout, a host of angling adventures are available. "Grab your family and fishing poles and go fishing," says Robert Hand, fisheries… more

Community Service Benefits Wildlife

| idfg-staff

Wildlife in the Pahsimeroi Valley got a helping hand thanks to a habitat project undertaken as court-assigned community service by a group of people who had violated a fish and game law sometime in the past year. The group of twenty gathered to work on a fencing project at the Pahsimeroi River Wildlife Management Area… more

Salmon Region Fishing Outlook

| idfg-staff

Impressively high water levels late this spring put a bit of a damper on the beginning of the fishing season. High, fast water carrying debris from sticks to large trees has made fishing in area rivers and tributaries downright dangerous. But anglers anxious to do some fishing, especially families with children are… more

Angler Incentive Program Pays Well for Clark Fork Man

| idfg-staff

"Don't quit your day job". The old saying is usually good advice when a person considers ditching an old job for a new career. Dennis Pringle of Clark Fork, however, may do well to quit his day job and start fishing for a living. Pringle won the top lake trout prize of $3,000 in the K… more

Boise River Bull Trout

| idfg-staff

By Lance Hebdon, Fisheries Biologist and Marshall Haynes, Senior Conservation Officer Bull trout. Maybe you grew up calling them Dolly Varden. Whatever you call them, in the 1990s, it looked as though the populations of this wonderful Idaho native fish were in serious trouble. Responding to this threat, Idaho Fish and… more

Free Fishing Day a big success

| idfg-staff

JEROME - More than 500 children and hundreds of adults took advantage of the two Free Fishing Day events at the Hagerman and Hayspur Idaho Department of Fish and Game Hatcheries last Saturday, June 10. Not only did many of the participants catch fish, but they also won fishing poles and tackle, and dined on free… more

Sportsmen should leave no trace

| idfg-staff

JEROME - As temperatures warm and anglers and target shooters head out into the field, sportsmen need to remember to respect the land and leave the area cleaner than they find it. Trash left behind by sportsmen is one of the most common complaints heard from landowners, according to the Idaho Department of Fish and… more

Super Hunt Drawing Winners

| idfg-nnokkentved

Winners in the first of two Idaho Super Hunt drawings were picked June 15. Applications were drawn by Idaho Fish and Game Director Steve Huffaker and Commissioner John Watts with assistance from one of the crowd of hunters in attendance in the Trophy Room at Fish and Game headquarters at 600 S. Walnut in Boise. One… more